octave中运行脚本命令为:run testplot.m 看生成的图片: grid on命令没有任何用处, octave中执行:graphics_toolkit('fltk')命令后,也就是换成fltk的图像引擎后,再次执行以上的脚本,生成图片: 终于正常了,我还以为是octave的问题,可能是我用linux的kde环境,默认是qt图像引擎,导致octave的绘图默认使用qt了,换成fltk...
and octave 5.1.0 won't build against it; looks like maybe a compatibility problem with the qhelpgenerator/qcollectiongenerator transition. I'vereported it upstream to Octave. Meanwhile I'll fall back to doing a CLI-only build like@schoepssuggested and see how...
If you are only requesting a refund of one book from a multiple order, then we will refund you the appropriate single item. Where the items were shipped under a free shipping offer, there will be no shipping costs to refund. On the off chance your printed book arrives damaged, with book...
In comparison, the third-octave design had 11 filters below 200 Hz, whereas the Bark design had only two. Figure 14. Example design using the proposed SGEB and NSGEB methods showing the largest errors for the entire validation dataset for both Bark band designs. The largest errors occurred ...