Indulge your senses! The award winning HOG (Harmonic Octave Generator) is a totally polyphonic guitar synthesizer offering complete control of up to 10 interval pitches. NO glitches and NO special pickup needed. Generate extreme sub bass to powerful multi-octave chords. Convert your 6 string into...
Octave is an open-source high-level programming language designed to perform efficient numerical computations solving linear and non-linear equations. Moreover, Octave gives the user the ability to use statistics and data analysis. Octave是一种开放源代码的高级编程语言,旨在执行解决线性和非线性方程式的...
are given.The Matlab code should be mostly in adherence to the standard style guide but some effort has been made to accommodate different number of spaces and other small syntax issues.This will not make the code more R friendly and may not even run afterwards.However,the rudimentary syntax,...
cstrcat(s1, s2...)concatenates strings, which can be literals or variables, and keeps whitespace at the end of a string Converting number to strings num2str(x)converts a number to a string num2str(x, p)converts a number to a string, rounded topdigits String comparison strcmp(s1, s2)ret...
() 赋值 string=a=234; string - a - 234 eval(string) eval(parse(text=string)) 产生随机数 均匀分布 rand(10,1) runif(10) 2+5*rand(10,1) runif(10,min=2,max=7) 或 runif(10,2,7) rand(10) matrix(runif(100),10) 正态分布 randn(10,1) rnorm(10) 2+5*randn(10,1) rnorm(10...
package text; import java.util.Scanner; public class text1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc=new Scanne...让sublime text3支持Vue语法高亮显示 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 让sublime text3支...
2023-06-07 [747c99b] fix string indentation, add option EmptyArrayAsNull, fix #91 2023-06-05*[cf57326] support blosc2 meta compressors 2023-05-05 [d37a386] use {:} to expand varargin 2023-04-23 [03311d2] remove README.txt, no longer used, fix #88 ...
'wbuffer_convert<octave::string::deletable_facet<octave::string::codecvt_u8>, char>' has been explicitly marked deprecated here class _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS _LIBCPP_DEPRECATED_IN_CXX17 wbuffer_convert ^ /Applications/
Force Octave to assume the file is in the binary format written by MATLAB version 4. -text Force Octave to assume the file is in Octave’s text format. See also: save, dlmwrite, csvwrite, fwrite. str = fileread (filename) Read the contents of filename and return it as a string. ...
The special filename ‘-’ may be used to return the content of the variables as a string. If no variable names are listed, Octave saves all the variables in the current scope. Otherwise, full variable names or pattern syntax can be used to specify the variables to save. If the -struct...