It can be used to convert most MATLAB data structures (array, struct, cell, struct array, cell array, and objects) into JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack formatted strings and files, or to parse a JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack file into a MATLAB data structure. JSONLab supports both MATLAB and GNU Octave ...
The special filename ‘-’ may be used to return the content of the variables as a string. If no variable names are listed, Octave saves all the variables in the current scope. Otherwise, full variable names or pattern syntax can be used to specify the variables to save. If the -struct...
psom_struct_cell_string2char.m psom_struct_defaults.m psom_subset_pipeline.m psom_template_brick.m psom_test_hist.m psom_test_io.m psom_test_pipe_tutorial.m psom_test_sleep.m psom_update_svn.m psom_version_svn.m ...
style guide but some effort has been made to accommodate different number of spaces and other small syntax issues.This will not make the code more R friendly and may not even run afterwards.However,the rudimentary syntax,base function and data structure conversion is done quickly so that the ma...
old_val = save_header_format_string (new_val) save_header_format_string (new_val, "local") Query or set the internal variable that specifies the format string used for the comment line written at the beginning of text-format data files saved by Octave. The format string is passed to str...
The special filename ‘-’ may be used to return the content of the variables as a string. If no variable names are listed, Octave saves all the variables in the current scope. Otherwise, full variable names or pattern syntax can be used to specify the variables to save. If the -struct...
Cell-Arrays.html /usr/share/doc/octave/octave.html/Comma_002dSeparated-Lists-Generated-from-Structure-Arrays.html /usr/share/doc/octave/octave.html/Comma_002dSeparated-Lists.html /usr/share/doc/octave/octave.html/Command-Line-Editing.html /usr/share/doc/octave/octave.html/Command-Line-Options....
cellstr array:a=[1;2;3;4;5]b={"a";"b";"c";"d";"e"} [a,b]=textread(f,"%f %s",3)(read data into two culumns,tryto use the format string three times)returns a=[1;2;3]b={"a";"b";"c"} With a data file like:1a2b[a,b]=textread(f,"%f %s",2)returns a=1and...
Data Types: single | double | char | string | cell MinThreshold— Lower bound for nonzero values -Inf (default) | real scalar Lower bound for nonzero values, specified as a real scalar. The function sets those elements of p such that 10 log10(p) ≤ 'MinThreshold' to zero. Specify ...
cell array. SEP (a character value) changes the character used to separate two fields. The default value is a comma (`,'). PROT (character value) changes the character used to protect a string. </QUOTE> I'd suppose it is meant for exactly that situation. ...