o_gi.indirect.diffuse=SubtractMainLightWithRealtimeAttenuationFromLightmap(o_gi.indirect.diffuse, data.atten, bakedColorTex, normalWorld);#endif#endif#endif#ifdef DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON//Dynamic lightmapsfixed4 realtimeColorTex =UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_DynamicLightmap, data.lightmapUV.zw); half3 real...
06-Creating Occlusion Maps in Photoshop / 利用Photoshop做纹理创作视频教程 - 3DMotive -Texture Creation In Photoshop-Photoshop 3DMotive - Texture Creation In Photoshop 01-Intro 02-Dos & Donts of Photographing Textures 03-Prep Processes 04-Creating the Diffuse Map 05-Extracting Specular & Normal Maps...
texture g_nmhTexture; // Normal map and height map texture pair float4 g_materialAmbientColor; // Material's ambient color float4 g_materialDiffuseColor; // Material's diffuse color float4 g_materialSpecularColor; // Material's specular color float g_fSpecularExponent; // Material's specula...
where an environment map that represents incoming light from all directions is used to determine the color of light arriving at each point on the object. For this feature, in addition to recording how much of the environment is visible from points on the model, we also record from which dire...
VXGI allows applications to compute multi-bounce indirect diffuse and specular lighting, use the cone tracing functions in application shaders for special needs like refractive materials or light map computation, and compute ambient occlusion effects based on voxel data. ...
// restore normal from normal map vec3 N = normalize(texture(u_normalTexture, T).xyz * 2 - 1); vec3 D = texture(u_diffuseTexture, T).rgb; // ambient lighting float iamb = 0.2; // diffuse lighting float idiff = clamp(dot(N, L), 0, 1); ...
All the examples are rendered using a VRayMtl with a VRayDirt Map in the Diffuse slot. Simple VRayMtl- no Dirt effect radius:10.0 radius:30.0 Example: Distribution Parameter This parameter will force the rays to gather closer. The effect is that the dirt area is being narrowed closer to th...
. The ambient occlusion map is created based on the spatial relationships between various items in the scene. You can output either diffuse image map that can be automatically applied to the target model(s) as a paint layer (so you can preview it before exporting for use in another ...
“mix” is just one of them!). The “weight” parameter controls how the mix should happen – that’s where we’ll connect our AO node. The output of the mix is then connected a Phong node as both a diffuse and specular map. If we had different specular or normal maps, we could ...
0204 图为前面的凹凸贴图(0204 Drawing the bump map for the front) 0205 将详细信息添加到面板(0205 Adding details to the panels) 0206 绘画的漫反射纹理和规划层(0206 Painting the diffuse texture and planning the layers) 0207 涂装底漆和徽标(0207 Painting the base coat and the logo) 0208 添加标签...