强烈建议大家学好 dataview 插件。 echarts 插件可以绘制很多复杂的图表,比如统计 Obsidian 中的每月笔记数量,获取一篇文章的热词等等。这些功能也在 Blue Topaz 示例库,大家感兴趣的话,可以去看看。 Blue Topaz 示例库的功能远不止上述这些,更多功能请自己下载体验。 个人移植经验 Blue Topaz 示例库是不是最强大的...
Dataview Complex data views for the data-obsessed. dataview - 0.4.5 DEVONlink Open or reveal the current note in DEVONthink. DEVONlink-obsidian - 2.2.1 Discordian Theme Discordian plugin for tweaking Discordian theme discordian-plugin - 0....
A collection of dataview scripts which can be utilized within your notes to perform various tasks and display data. About Snippets Table of Contents: Version 1 Table of Contents: Version 2 Subfolder Data Bad Links: Version 1 ...
双冒号为Dataview能识别的属性,后续步骤的Dataview都基于此项进行双链识别。 AMOC 步骤2:同级索引 当A 笔记及其他笔记都存在up:: [[Z笔记]],即共同指向Z笔记时,在A笔记中加入下面的Code,即可实现同级AMOC,无需理解直接Copy Paste即可。 > [!note]AMOCStandard>```dataview ...
This cheatsheet provides a handy reference guide for writing queries using Dataview Query Language (DQL) in the dataview plugin for note-taking app.How to use thisUse it however you like but I would suggest you copy this file and simply paste it into your own Obsidian vault. ...
Aetherinox/obsidian-dataview-snippets: A collection of scripts which include Tag & Page Clouds, Table of Contents / ToC, Bad / Missing Link reporting, etc. ( Formatting ( obsidian工具软件工作效率
Obsidian笔记及其插件介绍 Obsidian## 概念 官网:Obsidian官网 中文论坛:Obsidian 中文论坛 插件中文介绍OB插件社区 Johnny学OB ob中文教程 优点:文件类型:基于markdown的相关优点 高度通用性 编辑简单 个性化:高度自定义 费用:开源,个人完全免费 可以与logseq联用 缺点 双链笔记缺点:结构可读性不高·父子关系 顺序...
Dataview / 掌控进度、内容检索 Version 0.4.10 Complex data views for the data-obsessed. 2.规划与待办 Calendar / 演示Daily Note核心插件 Version 1.5.10 Calendar view of your daily notes Habit Tracker Version 1.0. 4 This plguin creates a simple Month view for visualizing your punch records. ...
Dataview allows you to create dynamic tables and graphs with data from your notes. You can query and filter your notes based on parameters like tags, dates, and keywords. For instance, if you have a note about your favorite books and their ratings, Dataview can generate a table of all ...