dateformat(file.cday,"yyyy-MM-dd") as "创建日期", choice(file.starred, "是", "否") as "加星" FROM "200-学习箱/210-知识库搭建" SORT file.cday DESC ``` FROM 数据来源 1. Tags 标签 ```dataview LIST FROM #DataView ``` 2. Folders 文件夹 ```dataview TABLE WITHOUT ID file.l...
```dataview TABLE WITHOUT ID "**" + dateformat(, "cccc") + "**" AS "Day" , choice(typeof(note) = "array", note, array(note)) AS "Notes" FROM "10 Example Data/dailys" FLATTEN "2022-W5" AS Week WHERE string( = split(Week, "-W")[0] AND string(...
第三步:Dataview 建立索引 创建一个新文件,命一个你容易识别的名字,比如我新建一个索引文件夹,专门放各类索引。把这个新文件命名为“阅读列表”。 开始写Dataview代码: ```dataview table 书名,作者,分类,来源,阅读状态 from "工作流演示/文献" sort file.ctime desc ``` table:创建一个表格。后面跟的“...
Aetherinox/obsidian-dataview-snippets: A collection of scripts which include Tag & Page Clouds, Table of Contents / ToC, Bad / Missing Link reporting, etc. ( Formatting ( obsidian工具软件工作效率
A collection of dataview scripts which can be utilized within your notes to perform various tasks and display data. About Snippets Table of Contents: Version 1 Table of Contents: Version 2 Subfolder Data Bad Links: Version 1 ...
Dataview 下载次数:45908插件描述: Advanced queries over your vault for the data-obsessed.对您的保管库进行高级查询,以了解数据痴迷者。 Mind Map 下载次数:41970插件描述: Displays markdown notes as mind maps using Markmap.使用 Markmap 将 Markdown 笔记显示为思维导图。
excalidraw-border-color: css-color-name|#HEXcolor|any-other-html-standard-format excalidraw-css: "css-filename|css snippet" Switch to markdown view or useWIN+CTRL/CMD+CTRLclick on the image to edit the properties of the embed: [[filename#^blockref|WIDTHxMAXHEIGHT]] ...
All events from your daily notes OR tasks used TASKS/DATAVIEW/KANBAN format. 暂未翻译 blockquote-levels Blockquote Levels Adds commands for increasing/decreasing the blockquote level of the current line or selection(s). 暂未翻译 ...
Please note, that you have to use dataviewjs for this! Convert Charts to Images Select the whole Chart Codeblock and run the Command "Create image from Chart" to replace it with a Image. You can choose the Quality and Format in the Settings of this Plugin. See how it works How to...
obsidian插件推荐 Commander(自定义个性化按钮) 1.且录插件(Automatic Table Of Contents)一键生成且录 2.热力图插件(Contribution ) 3.思维导图插件(Mindmap)一键生成思维导图 4.脚注插件(Footnotes)自动排版脚注#电脑知识 #obsidian #办公软件 #markdown #obsidian插件推荐 00:00 / 01:57 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 ...