5、Custom Frames 可以将外部web页面嵌入到笔记使用,如滴答清单、语雀笔记等 6、Dataview 将笔记像管理数据库一样管理 7、Excalidraw 画图工具 8、Global Hotkeys 设置全局快捷键,提高效率 9、Homepage 设置自己的个性化首页,打开笔记就是首页内容 10、Kanban 看板,直观的管理各种任务、进度 11、obsidian markmind 思...
Properties - Obsidian Help Dataview Example Vault (s-blu.github.io) Obsidian 插件之 Dataview - 知乎 (zhihu.com) Obsidian DataView 入门保姆级引导手册 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) 一文看懂 YAML - 知乎 (zhihu.com) obsidian插件dataview官方文档翻译 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) ...
Force Note View Mode 我是不太习惯开两个窗口分别显示浏览模式和编辑模式的,通过在Front matter里面加一个属性,可以自动切到Preview或Source,我主要用于Dataview的页面,不过在新版本已经能直接渲染Dataview了,目前感觉用处小了一些。 Fullscreen mode plugin 能进到全屏的沉浸模式,Esc直接退出,适合大量码字的时候。 Hi...
Dataview Complex data views for the data-obsessed. dataview - 0.4.5 https://github.com/blacksmithgu DEVONlink Open or reveal the current note in DEVONthink. DEVONlink-obsidian - 2.2.1 https://axle.design Discordian Theme Discordian plugin for tweaking Discordian theme discordian-plugin - 0....
bool, left, right) for basic conditional logic. The meta function retrieves link metadata, accessible through properties like display, embed, path, subpath, and type.Dataview functions provide a comprehensive toolkit for managing and analyzing data efficiently within your documents.
Obsidian样式-DataView在table视图下标签出现错位断裂的修复 Obsidian样式-简单更改Excalidraw工具栏布局 Obsidian样式-HoverEditor插件弹窗中隐藏Properties属性面板 Obsidian样式-建立书籍电影的卡片化视图 Obsidian样式-简单更改Excalidraw工具栏布局 Obsidian样式-可滚动的Dataview表格视图 ...
This cheatsheet provides a handy reference guide for writing queries using Dataview Query Language (DQL) in the dataview plugin for Obsidian.md note-taking app.How to use thisUse it however you like but I would suggest you copy this file and simply paste it into your own Obsidian vault. ...
This can either be done in the frontmatter, like so: --- defines-react-components: true react-components-namespace: projects.test --- or (if dataview is installed) using dataview inline properties defines-react-components:: true react-components-namespace:: projects.test Then, in your not...
dataview:我觉得这是 Obsdian 里相当重要的插件,可以在笔记里嵌入 js 代码执行,这样就能实现笔记的动态效果,如计算日期、天气、按照一定规则筛选 Obsidian 中的笔记等等,都可以自己写代码实现。我也写了一些脚本,会在后面使用优化里介绍。 pangu:在 Obsidain 中支持看板,我用来进行任务归类管理 ...
- Working with Dataview - Working with note properties - Working with your vault's files and folders - Working with Obsidian commands For a full list and detailed description, please click the "Website" link to the right or visit https://actions.work/actions-for-obsidian. ...