This paper describes our joint research in which we tried to identify points to be improved or new features to be considered in the design of electronic forms. We observed human activities in filling in paper forms and submitting them in a city office, and compared it with the procedures of...
摘要: The role of the researcher in participant-observation research can take a number of forms. At one extreme the researcher may attempt to remain neutral-asking questions and clarifying but not contributing in any way to the topic under exploration. Alternatively the researcher...
We have also observed, in the24O+3nchannel, a27O resonance for the first time, as may be seen in the four-body decay-energy (E0123) spectrum of Fig.2b. As confirmed by the simulations, which are able to simultaneously describe the24O+3nand 4ndecay-energy spectra, the well-populated p...
Instead, a vortex forms in the vicinity of the aperture in the chamber (blue) in order to decrease the shear due to the gradient in the velocity profile. c, In a purely ballistic flow, only the geometry dictates the streamlines, producing a vortex (blue) whose center is positioned near ...
EnglishObservations and other forms of perception are fundamental to the practice of science. These involve attention to a stimulus, and discrimination and categorization of the sensory input. The available evidence indicates that perception improves with practice; that it is helped if distinctive and ...
Superimposed ice forms from the refreezing of snow melt / fresh water (Fig. 1+2).Here we present properties of melting snow (Fig. 4-6), processes of superimposed ice formation based on field measurements and ice-laboratory analysis (Fig. 7-10), as well as first results from a numerical...
My thanks go first to the students in my classes at Texas A&M University for whom I wrote this book. They used earlier versions when it was only a set of class notes and helped track down numerous errors along the way. The people of Research Systems, Inc., the developers of IDL, ...
Objective To explore the in vitro antibacterial effect of nanometer silver in order to provide basis for utilizing nanometer silver.Method Suspension quantitative bacteriostatic(fungistatic)method was used to carry out observation on efficacy of nanometer silver in inhibiting vegetative forms of bacteria an...
Calcium phosphate forms particles under excessive urinary excretion of phosphate in the kidney. While the formation of calcium phosphate particles (CaPs) has been implicated in the damage to renal tubular cells and renal dysfunction, clarifying the ultrastructural information and the elemental composition ...
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