Ai数字人全套解决方案创建的收藏夹数字人相关内容:【4K60】OBS Studio 屏幕录制 推荐设置 导出超清画质视频,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
【4K60】OBS Studio 屏幕录制 推荐设置 导出超清画质视频DrYw编辑于 2023年04月19日 11:57 可以试试这个设置,虽然是mp4,但是体积没那么大,我测试录制永劫无间、英雄联盟和一些模拟器游戏是清晰流畅的,也能节省不少空间(如果觉得卡顿或者卡帧的情况,就把视频比特率调高一点即可)...
If you’re recording your own lecture, then use a mic for the best sound. Just be sure to set things up in theAudiosettings first. How to get best-quality screen recording videos in OBS Studio OBS – Open Broadcaster Software – has advanced features for both capture and streaming. But ...
如果您想把螢幕畫面錄製成專業的影片,那麼 OBS Studio 正是您最堅實的平台。只不過,它在設定時顯得有點棘手。對於那些為了設定而倍感頭疼的人們,我們在這裡提供了 OBS 的最佳錄影設定清單。 參數 推薦設定 基礎(畫布) 解析度 可調整要擷取的影片的尺寸。例如,您可以使用 1920 × 1080 來配合螢幕的大小,再以 10...
I want to record Videos in 4K in OBS Studio Release 28.1.2 (64bit) Base screen 3840 x 2160 Output 3840 x 2160 FPS frames are set on 60 FPS Recording settings are set on USERDEFINED OUTPUT Container Format: Standard Videobitrate 64000 Kbps... informixx Thread Nov 15, 2022 3840 x 2160...
Obs Studio uses more upload than it should Hello, I've had problems with my old internet provider so I changed it. Today is the first day I am using their internet. Speedtest is fine, everything is looking normal but when I am trying to stream obs studio uses more than it should be...
OBS Studio 是一款开源免费的录屏与直播软件,深受专业用户的喜爱。它支持多种视频源输入,并且可以通过插件扩展更多功能。 在4K 录制方面,OBS Studio 具有强大的性能和灵活的设置选项。用户可以精细调整编码器设置、比特率、帧率等参数,以实现高质量的 4K 录制。
These are our recommended settings for OBS Studio 29.1 and up. To access the settings, click on the Settings button on the bottom right. Video Tab Settings Base (Canvas) Resolution: Set the resolution you normally play at. That is, your desktop resolution (if you play in borderless mode),...
11款电脑手机录屏软件准备好了(包括CamStudio、OBS Studio、oCam、ScreenToGif、ShareX、安卓手机录屏软件6款): 链接: 提取码:95ui Bandicam 这是一款由韩国开发的高清录制视频软件,号称世界「三大视频录制神器之一」,它录制的「视频质量高达4K」...
These are our recommended settings for OBS Studio 29.1 and up. To access the settings, click on the Settings button on the bottom right. Video Tab Settings Base (Canvas) Resolution: Set the resolution you normally play at. That is, your desktop resolution (if you play in borderless mode),...