OBS Studio 是一款开源免费的录屏与直播软件,深受专业用户的喜爱。它支持多种视频源输入,并且可以通过插件扩展更多功能。 在4K 录制方面,OBS Studio 具有强大的性能和灵活的设置选项。用户可以精细调整编码器设置、比特率、帧率等参数,以实现高质量的 4K 录制。 不过,由于其功能较为复杂,对于新手来说可能需要一定的...
B站最好的obs设置!流畅又清晰! 极地泰坦的坦 44.9万65 03:11 OBS编码过载的解决办法 爱嗑松子的栗子 88930 03:08 OBS Studio 录制模糊完全解决方法!!! 西门运维 01:02 obs直录录制精品课,效果真是太好了! 鲁老师录课直播技术 08:06 折耳苏格兰猫 ...
To set up 4K streaming and recording, you will need to configure your OBS Studio. Just follow the steps below. Open OBS Studio. Go to theVideotab. SetBase (Canvas) Resolutionto 3840 x 2160. SetOutput (Scaled) Resolutionto 3840 x 2160. ...
【4K60】OBS Studio 屏幕录制 推荐设置 导出超清画质视频DrYw编辑于 2023年04月19日 11:57 可以试试这个设置,虽然是mp4,但是体积没那么大,我测试录制永劫无间、英雄联盟和一些模拟器游戏是清晰流畅的,也能节省不少空间(如果觉得卡顿或者卡帧的情况,就把视频比特率调高一点即可)...
Once installation completes, you can open OBS Studio and start recording your screen. OBS Studio download for a Mac Now let’s walk through how to download OBS Studio on a Mac. Go to OBS downloader webpage. Visit the OBS website
obs studio中文名称又叫做obs直播软件,是专为视频直播而开发的免费开源软件,主要功能就是视频录制与直播。与传统的OBS软件相比,obs studio就是它的升级版本,软件在架构上进行了重构,采用了微内核+插件的形式进行开发,对于不同的朋友设计了具体的直播方案,充分考虑到了所有类型的直播,操作起来也是比较方便的,可以设置多...
Mk.2 local recording stutter, OBS, HDR/SDR Okay. I have: 4k60 Mk.2 (correct pci-e configuration, verified running at 2x4) 9900k 2080s PS5/HDR TV/brand new 18gbps hdmi cables Non-HDR monitor The problem: Small intermittent stutters in recording, feels like encoder lag Color space sett...
Where Does OBS Studio Save the Streaming Recording? In OBS, screen recording will not be automatically turned on when starting a live stream. To recording your live streaming video, you need to click Start Recording after clicking Starting streaming. You can open an OBS streaming recording via ...
4K Video Quality comparison: H.264 vs. AV1 at 10Mbps NVIDIA has also worked closely with OBS to help optimize OBS Studio for NVIDIA GPUs, improving performance and enabling the latest and greatest features for quality. One additional advantage of NVENC is that typically, the same version of ...
4k 60fps recording J Trying to upgrade camera quality Hi all! I run a podcast studio and it took us about a year to figure out the flow (with some OBS help) so that it's pretty much fully automated and works every single time without fail. We have 3 cameras and 4 mics and ...