1978. Objective measurements of texture in ground beef patties. J. Food Sci. 43:1510-1513.Cross, H. R., Standfield, Marilyn, S., & Frank, W. J. (1991). Objective measurements of texture in ground beef patties. Journal of Food Science, 43, 1510....
Compression, shear, adhesion and cooking loss measurements were compared with sensory assessments of tenderness and juiciness. Multiple regression analyses of compression, shear and cooking loss accounted for 83.4% of the total variance in tenderness for samples presented to the panel as 1.5 cm cubes...
Determination of egg quality by a sampling method J. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem., 21 (1938), pp. 496-502 CrossrefGoogle Scholar Hoover and Rogers, 1939 Hoover, S. R., and Cecil Rogers, 1939. The application of interior egg quality measurements to practical problems. Proc. 7th World's Poul...
Published articles that describe non-invasive burn scar measurements were included in this systematic review. Studies that used scar scales which utilise subjective scoring systems were excluded, as studies that made histopathological evaluations of scars via biopsies had no potential to be used in vivo...
objective measurements of scarring, yet currently the clinical assessment of scars is not carried out systematically and is mostly based on subjective review of patients. However, several techniques and devices are being introduced that allow objective analysis of the burn scar. The aim of this ...
1978b. Objective measurements of texture in ground beef patties. J. Food Sci. 43, 1510-1515.Cross, H. R. , Standfield, M. S. , Marilyn, S. y Frank, W. J. Jr. (1978b) Objective measurements of texture in ground beef patties. J. Food Sci. 43, 510....
The classification of texture measurements on the basis of commodity or the type of textural properties is useful but what is probably a better type of classification is based on the type of test that is used, because many tests are applicable to more than one type of food....
Szczesniak AS (1973) Indirect methods of objective texture measurements. In: Kramer A, Szczesniak AS (eds) Texture measurements of food. Verl. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht Boston, Kap. VIISzczesniak, A. S. : 1973b , ‘ Indirect Methods of Objective Texture Measurements', Chapter VII ...
Patties were cooked on a foodservice-style clamshell grill to a well (approximately 80 degrees C) degree of doneness (internal temperature) for nutritional analysis and objective texture measurements. Single 5.08-cm2 samples were removed from the center of each patty and sheared with a multiple-...
Measurements of objective sensory dimensions were then transformed to reflect the hedonic quality of food item. To do so, we captured the relationship between these individual sensory parameters and the hedonic evaluation of the same food item. Sensory dimensions were considered among others as ...