'<name>' cannot expose the underlying delegate type '<delegatetype>' of the event it is implementing outside the project through <specifier> '<type>' '<name>' cannot expose the underlying delegate type '<delegatetype>' of the event it is implementing to <specifier1> '<type1>' through <...
Ideally, I would like to simply write following to let a new class object initialize from other type (like object initializer): class MyClass implements MyInterface { constructor(i: MyInterface) { Object.assign(this, i); } } interface MyInterface { a: string; b: number; } Current error...
The type initializer for '...ObjectBuilder.EnterpriseLibraryFactory' threw an exception 發行項 2006/11/25 Question Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:02 PM | 5 votes Hi, I got this error while working on Data Access Logic components using the Enterprise Library. The type initializer for 'Microsof...
The type initializer for 'FomodInstaller.ModInstaller.ModFormatManager' threw an exception.; Method not found: bool System.Collections.HashHelpers.IsWellKnownEqualityComparer(object) Title Installation failed Details Name: System.TypeInitializationException Context gamemode = Skyrim,Installing = HDT Physics...
You cannot initialize an instance of Object by using object initializer syntax. An instance of Object has no properties or fields to assign a value to, and object initializer syntax requires at least one such property or field.คัดลอก ...
You cannot initialize an instance of Object by using object initializer syntax. An instance of Object has no properties or fields to assign a value to, and object initializer syntax requires at least one such property or field.Copy ' Not valid. ' Dim obj1 = New Object With {} ' Dim ...
You cannot initialize an instance of Object by using object initializer syntax. An instance of Object has no properties or fields to assign a value to, and object initializer syntax requires at least one such property or field.Copy ' Not valid. ' Dim obj1 = New Object With {} ' Dim ...
You cannot initialize an instance of Object by using object initializer syntax. An instance of Object has no properties or fields to assign a value to, and object initializer syntax requires at least one such property or field.Kopiér ' Not valid. ' Dim obj1 = New Object With {} ' Dim...
You cannot initialize an instance of Object by using object initializer syntax. An instance of Object has no properties or fields to assign a value to, and object initializer syntax requires at least one such property or field.Copy ' Not valid. ' Dim obj1 = New Object With {} ' Dim ...
You cannot initialize an instance of Object by using object initializer syntax. An instance of Object has no properties or fields to assign a value to, and object initializer syntax requires at least one such property or field.نسخ ...