This paperdefinesalogiclanguage,which can specify object-orientedsystems,based ontemporallogic. 针对面向对象系统,定义了一种基于时序逻辑的形式化规约语言。 9. Structure-consideredcohesionmetricforclassesinobject-orientedsystems 面向对象系统中考虑结构因素的类的内聚度量 ...
《OBJECT-ORIENTED SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN USING UML:4th Revised edition edition》作者:McGraw-Hill Education,出版社:2010年4月,ISBN:。Thefourtheditionof
Object-Oriented Systems Design 作者:Edward Yourdon 出版社:Prentice Hall PTR 副标题:An Integrated Approach 出版年:1993-12 页数:400 定价:USD 70.65 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780136363255 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 我要写书评 Object-Oriented Systems Design的书评 ···(全部 0 条) + 加入...
Object-OrientedSystemsAnalysisandDesignUsingUML LearningObjectives •Understandwhatobject-orientedsystemsanalysisanddesignisandappreciateitsusefulness.•Comprehendtheconceptsofunifiedmodelinglanguage(UML),thestandardapproachformodelingasystemintheobject-orientedworld.•ApplythestepsusedinUMLtobreakdownthesystemintoause...
会议日期: 2025-10-12 会议地点: Singapore 届数: 40 CCF:aCORE:a*QUALIS:a1浏览:39167关注:47参加:2 征稿 Introduction The OOPSLA issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) welcomes papers focusing on all practical and theoretical investigations of programming systems, langu...
Engineering real-time systems: an object-oriented methodology using SDL The objective of this book is to help the reader master the complexity of modern real time systems. As the application domain of these systems gradually extends into almost every part of modern life, their quality becomes ...
The goal of this essay is to give an overview of empirical studies of software evolution in object-oriented systems. This is a very interesting field, and it could be studied from many different perspectives. Here I focus first on describing what software evolution and object-oriented systems ar...
Object-oriented technology is increasingly being adopted as the basis for new information system implementations. Object and particularly, object-relational database systems will soon become the platforms of choice for new information systems, and the object/component technologies of CORBA , COM, and ...
In object-oriented (OO) systems objects collaborate closely in order to provide a system feature. In order to effectively reuse any class of an OO system a developer has to (a) understand the provided service of this class, (b) isolate this class from the rest of the system by extracting...