An important goal of object-oriented development is to change the nature of traditional software development from designing and writing models from scratch to building systems through the assembly of reusable software objects. This article discusses the productivity potential as well as the limitations ...
Systems DevelopmentA methodology for object-oriented (OO) system development is introduced. Its relevance is illustrated by an ongoing project in the banking sector. This project failed initially while following a traditional life-cycle-oriented approach. We identify three main features that made the ...
There is more to "object-oriented" than application programming. Object-oriented methods have revolutionized the way analysts, designers, software engineers, project managers, and tool builders construct entire software systems. Object-Oriented System Development will help you to better understand the role...
systems; (d) support institutional capacity and systems; (e) be oriented towards the achievement of outcomes; and (f) be provided coherently. 该战略认可集合基金 和以部门为基础的方法,要求援助必须:(a) 符合政府和部门的整体政策和计划; (b) 由政府机构管理,利用政府体系;(c)...
Object-Oriented Systems Design 作者:Edward Yourdon 出版社:Prentice Hall PTR 副标题:An Integrated Approach 出版年:1993-12 页数:400 定价:USD 70.65 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780136363255 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 我要写书评 Object-Oriented Systems Design的书评 ···(全部 0 条) + 加入...
Object-OrientedSystemsAnalysisandDesignUsingUML LearningObjectives •Understandwhatobject-orientedsystemsanalysisanddesignisandappreciateitsusefulness.•Comprehendtheconceptsofunifiedmodelinglanguage(UML),thestandardapproachformodelingasystemintheobject-orientedworld.•ApplythestepsusedinUMLtobreakdownthesystemintoause...
Object-oriented software development methods are used to develop object-oriented software systems. Object-oriented systems are believed to habe better modularity, reusability, maintainability, and extensibility than systems modeled in conventional methods. Current object-oriented software development methods, ho...
Introduction The OOPSLA issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) welcomes papers focusing on all practical and theoretical investigations of programming systems, languages, and environments. Papers may target any stage of software development, including requirements, modeling,...
ELSEVIER.OBJECT.ORIENTED.ANALYSIS.AND.DESIGN.FOR.INFORMATION.SYSTEMS.1ST.EDITION.2014 热度: Applying UML and patterns an introduction to object-oriented analysis and design and iterative development.pdf 热度: THEOBJECT-ORIENTEDDESIGNWORKFLOW StatechartDiagrams ...
Structure-consideredcohesionmetricforclassesinobject-orientedsystems 面向对象系统中考虑结构因素的类的内聚度量 10. ADecompositionMethodforObject-OrientedSystemsBased onIterativeAnalysisoftheDirectedWeightedGraph 基于有向带权图迭代的面向对象系统分解方法 ...