Object databases are also suited for applications that are not necessarily based on an object model, but use a large number of in-memory indexes that are difficult to store in a relational database. Object databases may be used for real-time applications whereby they can extend memory beyond ...
However, there is still much to be done in the context of object DBMS . This paper proposes an historical model integrating the main functionalities needed by an object DBMS to cope with the data historical dimensions.doi:10.1007/BFb0022023Marie-Christine Fauvet...
inheritance should also be maintained in the database.An object oriented DBMS thus follows an object oriented data model with classes (the schema of objects), properties and methods. An object is always managed as a whole. This means for example, that the insertion of an object, which in a...
Structuration, annotation and composition are amidst the most crucial modeling issues that video editing and querying in the context of a database entail. In this paper, we propose a sequence-based, object-oriented data model that addresses them in an unified, yet orthogonal way. Thanks to this...
An active DBMS is characterized by its ability to monitorand react to both database and nondatabase events in a timelyand efficient manner [CHA89]. Research on active database systemscan be found in the POSTGRES project [STON87a],[STON87b], [STON90], the HiPAC system [CHA89], [McDA...
Moving fields up and down in the class hierarchy is transparent. Support for renaming types, fields and properties. Object Model & Data TypesObjectDB supports persisting complex Java data structures very efficiently. User Defined Classes Entity classes (@Entity) Embeddable types (@Embeddable) ...
Although many temporal extensions of the relational data model have been proposed, there is no comparable amount of work in the context of object-oriented data models. Moreover, extensions to the relational model have been proposed in the framework of SQL standards, whereas no attempts have been...
We have devised an object oriented DBMS called Jasmine for advanced applications. The paper describes the implementation, application and extension of Jasmine in detail. We focus on the impact of the design of its object oriented model and language on database implementation technology. We describe ...
MEMBER PROCEDURE display_details ( SELF IN OUT NOCOPY person_typ ) IS BEGIN -- use the PUT_LINE procedure of the DBMS_OUTPUT package to display details DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(idno) || ' ' || first_name || ' ' || last_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(email || ' ' || phon...
In the block below, you declare object r of type Rational. Then, you call the constructor for object type Rational to initialize the object. The call assigns the values 6 and 8 to attributes num and den, respectively. DECLARE r Rational; BEGIN r := Rational(6, 8); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_...