AREFis a logical pointer or reference to a row object that you can construct from an object identifier (OID). You can use theREFto obtain, examine, or update the object. You can change aREFso that it points to a different object of the same object type hierarchy or assign it a null ... Attributes Create Distinct Row Sets Based on an Internal View Object When youcombinethe use of data model master-detail with programmatic access of detail row sets using view link accessor, it is even more important to understand that they are distinct mechanisms. For example, ima...
These are tied closely to the logical operations of the DBMS. Crunch Time Referential integrity means that every foreign key in a secondary table matches a primary key in the parent table; if this is not true, referential integrity has been broken. Semantic integrity means that each attribute ...
SQL-like (but object based) query language - familiar to most developers. Friendly API JPA is very simple, except for mapping, which is irrelevant to ObjectDB. Persistence is set using JPA/JDO annotations (e.g. @Entity, @Id, @Index). Transparent activation (no activation depth) - ...
Object-Based Equipment Model Object-Based Evolutionary Algorithm Object-Based Formal Specification Object-Based Graph Grammars Object-Based Image Analysis Object-Based Image Retrieval Object-Based Logical Models Object-based Mapping Automata Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation Object-Based Parallel...
Although through database organization, relational databases sometimes allow tables that are likely to be used together to be co-located (or clustered) in the same logical partition, such as a database segment, they have no mechanism to store object relationships in the database. Hence, in ...
The code presented in this chapter is based on the hello example which can be found in the odb-examples package of the ODB distribution.2.1 Declaring Persistent ClassesIn our "Hello World" example we will depart slightly from the norm and say hello to people instead of the world. People in...
DBMS Support MySQL & MariaDB PostgreSQL Amazon Redshift SQLite MongoDB (beta, node 6 or older, doesn't work with node 8. Also, missing aggregation features) Features Create Models, sync, drop, bulk create, get, find, remove, count, aggregated functions Create Model associations, find, check...
(ID, description). Information processing based on the recognition model mainly includes, (1) creating an object sample space, (2) providing an encoding value for each object in the object sample space through manual/automatic encoding, to identify the object with a unique ID, and storing ...
We develop an object-based data model, whose structural part generalizes most of the known complex-object data models: cyclicity is allowed in both its schemas and instances. Our main contribution is the operational part of the data model, the query language IQL, which uses oids for three ...