Using Android-Arduino and Open Computer Vision technique aims to enact a robot which can perform two tasks at a time, i.e. detection of the movement in the object and following the object simultaneously. Raspberry PI with Open CV, the robots made maintains a fixed space from object and the...
I was developing a complex robot, that would require multiple Distance Sensor types. That included two types of Infrared distance sensor, and one type of Ultrasonic sensor. I have developed this library thinking that whenever I needed, I could change the sensor in hardware for another, and it...
The robot itself is relatively simple, with four geared DC motors, motor drivers wired to an Arduino Nano that interfaces with an Android Phone over serial. The app created by the Intel ISL team comes preloaded with three AI models that can do either person following, or two different modes...
This project is my final year capstone project - A self-navigating robot for search and rescue. We build a robot in ROS and integrate several functions: self-navigation, object detection and tracking, and an Arduino board to grab simple objects. The final demostration video is shown here: ...
I use this code to control a robot arm using a GUI, but eveytime I change the slider or push a button, I get a error message like this:>@(hObject,eventdata)RobotArm('pushbutton2_Callback',hObject,event...
The Pixy2 wiki has a detailed description of using the controls to fine tune the Pixy2. Line Tracking As I mentioned earlier the Pixy2 can also be used in line following robot applications. It has several advantages over traditional line followers: It can “look ahead” to anticipate upcoming...
Linkit One Object Avoiding Robot: This i'ble deals with object avoiding techniques of linkit one.Its simple to make a object avoiding robot using linkit one. First connect HC-SR04 to linkit one than connect relay to linkit one and finally connect both th
Lane-Following Robot Using MATLAB, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino (1:45) View more related videos Select a Web SiteChoose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: 中国.中国...
If using an appropriate micro-controller e.g. Arduino or Raspberry Pi users can analyse the detected objects for further projects. A typical example could be to attach a phone to a 2 or 4W robot kit which can then track/follow a ball or person. ...
For more projects, please visit my Below the link to my next tutorial, where we will explore "Facial Recognition": Real-time-Face-Recognition-an-End-to-end-Project Saludos from the south of the world! See you in my next instructable!