High sparseness and irregularity by nature and the absence of texture attributes are the primary characteristics of a point cloud, which is well distinguished from image array. Since we have already known how fast light travels, the distance of obstacles could be determined without effort. LiDAR ...
Thus, the feathered alpha values are given by: (6.2)alpha=distance/feather_distance+1∗opaque_value where distance is the distance of the pixel from the shape boundary, whereas feature_distance specifies the number of pixels to feather, and opaque_value is the value in the alpha mask. 6.6...
whose joint action of both the energy-momentum tensors is denoted byT^{\text {eff}}_{\epsilon \nu }~\big (=T_{\epsilon \nu }+\theta ^{*}_{\epsilon \nu }\big ), where\theta ^{*}_{\nu \epsilon }=\alpha \theta _{\nu \epsilon }. In terms of the affine connection, the ...
Item 4 is due partly to the effects of vehicle shadows, which tend to connect vehicles, especially when seen in the distance. The morphological operations that were applied (see below) also tended to make vehicles become joined. Item 5 is never manifest in the road region, i.e. between ...
Here, we assume the existence of only one foreground object class in each positive bag; that is, we allow one class of objects to appear in each image. Thus, the class label ki for each positive bag is defined based on the class labels of its instances as ki = k ⇐⇒ ∀j, ...
classification task, which leads to favorable performance compared to many metalearning based approaches. Our method also adopts a cosine similarity classifier to classify the categories of the region proposals. However, we focus on the instance-level distance measurement rather than on the image level...
and distinguish the following types of errors. Theapproximation errorwhich is due to the function class we search a classifier in and thetest-time errorwhich is incurred by only approximately solving the test-time search problem. We neglect the third possible cause of an error, which is the op...
\right\rfloor +s\cdot {{j}^{x}},\left\lfloor \frac{s}{2} \right\rfloor +s\cdot {{j}^{y}})\). Following this, we calculate the normalized distance for each transformed position, relative to the four defining edges of the bounding box\({{b}_{i}}\). This process is formali...
Then, from the set of bbas saved in Es, the two classes are determined and their disjunction is denoted by Θs. Then, we only consider the set of triplets {(xi,yi,li)}i∈Es,li∈Θs of the samples i of Es whose label li (according to the BetPs,i decision) is in Θs. This ...
The region is thought to have a radial extent from about 20,000 to 200,000 AU, where the outer distance scale corresponds to the effective gravitational boundary to the solar system and is roughly given by the Hill Sphere of the Sun (as dictated by the potential of the Galaxy). It is ...