High sparseness and irregularity by nature and the absence of texture attributes are the primary characteristics of a point cloud, which is well distinguished from image array. Since we have already known how fast light travels, the distance of obstacles could be determined without effort. LiDAR ...
which signal the animal’s distance and direction to discrete objects in the environment23. The large number of OV cells in MEC, on par with the number of grid cells, suggests that tracking of the animal’s position in an object-centred space is a major form of spatial representation...
Thus, the feathered alpha values are given by: (6.2)alpha=distance/feather_distance+1∗opaque_value where distance is the distance of the pixel from the shape boundary, whereas feature_distance specifies the number of pixels to feather, and opaque_value is the value in the alpha mask. 6.6...
You can observe the scene and simulated lidar data from birds-eye view as well as from the roof of the terminal in the animation below. The point cloud is denoted by colored points, where color changes from blue to yellow with height. Notice that the lidar returns contain reflections fro...
Then, from the set of bbas saved in Es, the two classes are determined and their disjunction is denoted by Θs. Then, we only consider the set of triplets {(xi,yi,li)}i∈Es,li∈Θs of the samples i of Es whose label li (according to the BetPs,i decision) is in Θs. This ...
classification task, which leads to favorable performance compared to many metalearning based approaches. Our method also adopts a cosine similarity classifier to classify the categories of the region proposals. However, we focus on the instance-level distance measurement rather than on the image level...
Tmax is the maximum possible absolute delay and can be calculated as Dc , where D is the distance between the receivers. Both methods of TDOA calculation require synchronized clocks at the receivers. In practical applications, you typically achieve this using the Global Positioning System (GPS)...
\right\rfloor +s\cdot {{j}^{x}},\left\lfloor \frac{s}{2} \right\rfloor +s\cdot {{j}^{y}})\). Following this, we calculate the normalized distance for each transformed position, relative to the four defining edges of the bounding box\({{b}_{i}}\). This process is formali...
(2016) uses TLS to generate point cloud data of a lifting site, which is used to identify potential collisions between the crane parts and obstructions on the site. While 3D point cloud-based systems provide more accurate distance measurements compared to 2D vision systems, their real-time ...
To this end, each bounding box b is linked with a sample s using a weight according to Eq (2). The linking weight increases as the bounding box area and the distance between the sample and box center decrease. Each bounding box is assigned to its top-k samples by utilizing linking ...