“No one should be subject to ridicule or teasing because of her weight,” says journalist Danielle Crittenden. “But it’s one thing to be compassionate, [and] quite another to glamorize what amounts to a dangerous health epidemic. In many ways, the current campaign to endorse female heavi...
In the Nurses’ Health Study, which followed 68,000 middle-age American women for up to 16 years, women who slept for five hours or less were 15% more likely to become obese compared with those who slept seven hours a night. Treatment Steps What Are the First Steps Toward Treatment? Whi...
While central obesity is defined as waist circumference ≥40 inches (102 cm) for men and ≥35 inches (88 cm) for women in other populations, the respective cut-off points are ≥90 cm for Asian men and ≥80 cm for Asian women. However, the challenge is how best to measure waist ...
A key fact from these data is that, over this time period, more men than women were classified as overweight or obese in developed countries, whereas the opposite was true in developing countries [25]. The prevalence of overweight and obesity (overweight = body mass index (BMI, calculated ...
system that is very complex and very redundant. When you block one, other molecules or other parallel systems kick in,” he says. “My prediction for the future is that in order to get good results, one will have to move toward combinations . . . of more-specific and more-novel agents...
It is a simple and inexpensive measurement to perform, while providing potentially critical information on the risk profile of both men and women.80 We believe that identification of viscerally obese patients, a high-risk population for IHD, should be considered as a critical step in the risk ...
There is an increased mortality from endometrial cancer in women and from colorectal cancer in men. Chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia, sleep apnea, gout, and degenerative joint disease can occur with more severe obesity. The distribution of body fat is directly related to these health risks. ...
Not to mention, staying up later gives you more time to eat, which also contributes to weight gain. In the landmark Nurses’ Health Study, which followed 68,000 middle-age American women for up to 16 years, women who slept for five hours or less were 15% more likely to develop ...
What factors in people's lives may have led to the increase in BMI in both men and women in the United States over the past four decades? What types of fats are generally considered detrimental to your health? How do issues with energy balance and...
What factors in people's lives may have led to the increase in BMI in both men and women in the United States over the past four decades? How can food allergies be prevented and managed in childhood? Explain how food quality affects the health of the general public. Expla...