OBESITY in womenOBESITYBODY image in womenThe aim of this research is to determine the rates of obesity in men and women in Iran Tabriz and to reveal the relationship between obesity and body sensation. Within the scope of this aim, height, weight and Body M...
Obesity increases sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) in men, but not women. Here, we review current evidence suggesting that sexually dimorphic sympathoexcitatory responses to leptin and insulin may contribute. More specifically, while insulin increases SNA similarly in lean males and females, this respo...
OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: In a cross-sectional design, the sensitivity and specificity of the Quetelet Index (QI) was determined in relation to percent body fat standards. Subjects were 1280 men and 365 women asymptomatic for coronary heart disease. Contingency tables by QI quartiles were created usi...
This study uses NHANES data through 2013-2014 to update previously reported trends in the prevalence of obesity in US adults.
Birth weight and adult hypertension and obesity in women Circulation 1996 94: 1310–1315. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Curhan GC, Willett WC, Rimm EB, Spiegelman D, Ascherio Al, Stampfer MJ . Birth weight and adult hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and obesity in US men Circulation ...
To determine whether educational level and overweight/obesity was associated with the development of diabetes among Chinese adult men and women. A cohort (2000–2011) of 10 704 participants aged 18–59 years (8 238 men, 2 466 women) in Qingdao Port Health Study (QPHS) were recruited in thi...
The prevalence of overweight and obesity varied across countries, across towns and cities within countries, and across populations of men and women. InChinaand Japan, for instance, the obesity rate for men and women was about 5 percent, but in some cities in China it had climbed to nearly ...
Sex Steroid Hormones, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, and Obesity in Men and Women Sex steroid hormones in both males and females have been closely related to the regulation of adiposity, either through direct or indirect physiological me... I.A. MacLeod,C.R. Bow,S.N. Joffe,... - 《Hormon...
(1996). Influences of cardioreapiratory fitness and other precursors on cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in men and women. JAMA 276, 205–210. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bosco JS, Gustafson WF (1983). Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education, Fitness, and Sports....
Two-thirds of cases occurred in females, the study found, which mimics the general ratio of MS observed in women compared to men. MS was diagnosed at roughly the same average age -- about 23 -- regardless of people's weight history, the team added. ...