This is the “fine” description of the trouble code and for example, P0420 means there is an issue at Bank 1, while the code P0421 means the issue is at bank 2. While the engine codes are quite logical, it’s very difficult to remember all of these OBD codes. I’ve created a ...
OBD2 scan tools vary from one brand and model to another. The diversity of the code coverage and the compatibility make the OBD code readers some of the most amazing tools. The OBDII code readers are supposed to cover all areas of a car, such astemperature, fuel, pressure, and other asp...
OBD-II标准故障码检索表: 故障码(P0330~P0376) 故障码(P0377-P0417) 故障码(P0418~P0468) 故障码(P0469~P0566) 故障码(P0567-P0704) 故障码(P0704~P0741) 故障码(P0741~P0772) 故障码(P0773~P0790) 故障码(P0330~P0376) OBD II码 内 容 P0330 引擎在2000RPM以上一直没有收到爆震信号(...
A code type (0 or 1) in OBD-II indicates whether the code is standardized (0) or vehicle manufacturer-specific (1). Standardized Code (0): These codes are universal and are the same across all vehicles. For instance, 'P0420' is a generic code that often points to a problem with the...
Code P0420, for example, means the catalytic converter is not operating properly. The most rudimentary OBD2 scanners still simply report the error code and you will have to check a reference manual or head for the internet to learn what P0420 means. But in 2020, the right, still modestly...
This is the “fine” description of the trouble code and for example, P0420 means there is an issue at Bank 1, while the code P0421 means the issue is at bank 2. While the engine codes are quite logical, it’s very difficult to remember all of these OBD codes. I’ve created a ...