This is the “fine” description of the trouble code and for example, P0420 means there is an issue at Bank 1, while the code P0421 means the issue is at bank 2. While the engine codes are quite logical, it’s very difficult to remember all of these OBD codes. I’ve created a ...
P0420 means "catalytic converter not operating properly" no matter the brand or vehicle. Then there are a few thousand more codes specific to the vehicle manufacturer (such as Chevy, Ford or Toyota and only Chevy, Ford or Toyota). A better OBD2 code reader will read the manufacturer codes...
the code reader has the ability to diagnose most 1996 and newer major vehicle models such as Chrysler, BMW, Honda, GM, Volvo, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, VW, etc. Moreover, it is compact and designed and easy to use and carry. It features a large display screen for easy reading of definiti...
(TOYOTA) P0331 引擎在2000RPM以上电压值不正确(BANK 2) P0332 爆震传感器电压太低(BANK 2) P0333 爆震传感器电压太高 (BANK 2) P0334 爆震传感器电压间歇故障 (BANK 2) P0335 曲轴传感器A组线路失效 P0335 曲轴传感器A组线路电压值过低 (ACURA/HONDA) P0336 曲轴传器A电压值不正确 P0336 加热式含氧...
This is the “fine” description of the trouble code and for example, P0420 means there is an issue at Bank 1, while the code P0421 means the issue is at bank 2. While the engine codes are quite logical, it’s very difficult to remember all of these OBD codes. I’ve created a ...