加载中... 00:00/00:00 一键生成文件概述,文件导航——OB插件Folder Note和Waypoint 余汉波发布于:广东省2022.12.04 22:15 +1 首赞 一键生成文件概述,一键文件导航——OB 插件 Folder Note和 Waypoint
一键生成文件概述,文件导航——OB插件Folder Note和Waypoint 10:27 Obsidian 插件 Templater 创建模板不成功?还是源代码? 05:10 自动同步 todoist,多端管理任务——obsidian 插件 todoist 08:01 obsidian的jupyter插件,输入中文乱码,解决jupyter中文乱码 02:52 Reminder结合Templater,快捷创建日期任务 12:46 Cal...
一键生成文件概述,文件导航——OB插件Folder Note和Waypoint 10:27 Obsidian 插件 Templater 创建模板不成功?还是源代码? 05:10 自动同步 todoist,多端管理任务——obsidian 插件 todoist 08:01 obsidian的jupyter插件,输入中文乱码,解决jupyter中文乱码 02:52 Reminder结合Templater,快捷创建日期任务 12:46 Cal...
Folder notes Spaced Repetition Recall 设置 Space Repetition Recall(支持fsrs)的设置: 整体思路 在导入一篇文章后,使用folder notes的插件手动(这一步需要手动,也可以设置快捷键)把这篇文章变为文件夹笔记(其实是隐藏了这一篇笔记,在原位置创建了一个文件夹,笔记的实际位置在这个文件夹里面) 然后使用quicker动作摘录...
初步探索:被daily note所吸引 昨晚上浅试之后,抱着用logseq写科研日记的目的,白天我又开始接着探索! 看了二一的笔记这个up主的视频和他发布在少数派的文章,又搜了其他一些教程,继续进阶logseq! 进阶:任务的不同标记方式 进阶:进行每日复盘 进阶:阅读pdf并做读书笔记 经过一天的摸索,已经一整个爱上了!今晚忍不住...
Asigurați-vă că mesajul de poștă electronică nu este trimis în folderul junk. Adăugați msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com la lista de expeditori siguri. Asigurați-v...
另外上图第三项(Literature note folder)还需要我们设置一个文件夹。我们就在ob库文件夹下新建一个名为“Reading notes”的文件夹。 设置完成后(可能需要重启ob),在ob文档中按Ctrl+Shift+O,就可以开始浏览文献。 按Ctrl+Shift+E,就可以插入文献引用。
Dacă firul este lung și implică mai mulți utilizatori, ar fi de preferat să opriți notificările pentru a nu vă supraaglomera folderul Inbox. Nu există nicio setare globală pentru dezactivarea notificărilor ...
Note: to configure Octotree for GitHub Enteprise, seeinstructions Install on Safari Octotree is not available on the Safari gallery. You have to build from source. Download this repo and run the following command: gulp safari Find the extension folder intmp/safari. Follow Apple instructions to...
Change the first line of code in the file "Species pipeline.R" so that spp.root.folder points to folder containing this readme, where "Databases" was previously unzipped(see above). Load all the libraries listed, you might need to install some. A list of functioning versions of these pack...