在hand.oracle.apps.cux.mfg.lov.server下创建。Name: CheckTypeLOVVO一直Next,直接输入SQL:SELECTlov.lookup_codecheck_type_code,lov.meaningcheck_type_meaning FROMfnd_lookup_values_vllov WHERElov.lookup_type='GITI_MFG_CHECK_TYPE'创建ViewObjects:NotifyRoleLOVVO该VO用于LOV。在hand.oracle.apps.cux.mfg...
Oracle核心应用技术 OAF学习笔记 Author: 黄建华 MSN: huajhua@ CreationDate: createdate\@MMMMd,yyyyApril10,2007 LastUpdated: savedate\@MMMMd,yyyyJuly29,2007 DocumentRef: DocumentReferenceNumber Version: DRAFT1A Approvals: Approver1 Approver2
Oracle OAF has a market share of about 0.4%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle OAF Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Oracle
Oracle.apps.vapplicationshortname.componentname.server Usedfor:AMandVOandVL ? Oracle.apps.applicationshortname.componentname.schema.serverUsedfor:EOandAO ? Oracle.apps.applicationshortname.lov.server Usedfor:AMandVOforLOV ? Oracle.apps.applicationshortname.lov.webui Usedfor:PageandControllerforLOV ?
For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired. Conventions The following text conventions are used in this document: Convention boldface italic monospace Meaning Boldface...
UIComponent class:oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.nav.RichCommandMenuItem Component type:oracle.adf.RichCommandMenuItem Unsupported agents:pda The commandMenuItem component creates a menu item in a menu or on a menuBar. It is required to be used inside a menu or menuBar and cannot be used...
(end_date_active, sysdate + 1))--有效日期 ORDER BY TAG 设置控件MessageChoice的属性如下:注:Meaning用于显示(即name),LookupCode用于存值(即code) OAF下拉框缓存在使用OAF开发功能时,经常会遇到下拉框组件,比如查询面板中的,下拉框组件默认是有缓存的,这会导致下拉框中的数据被增加、删除或者修改后,下拉框...
This ID attribute can alternatively be generated by setting oracle.adf.view.rich.SUPPRESS_IDS to "auto" in web.xml. columns int Yes the width of the text control specified by the approximate number of characters shown. contentDelivery String Yes Valid Values: immediate, lazy Default Value: ...
ThePopupCanceledEventevent has optimized event delivery meaning that it will not propagate to the server unless there are server listeners registered for this event. The canceled event is immediate but it will prevent processing of the reset of the lifecycle on the popup's children whereby ignoring...