//The following is required to support the creating the master/detail line//and shipment entities that have been "flattened" into a single row in//POLineShipFullVO with a 1:1 join.///If you don't do this, BC4J will automatically treat them like peers and//try to set the po header ...
假设开发人员对Oracle标准的页面结构都已经非常了解了,包括需要集成哪个标准的控制器,页面上所使用的视图对象。 1、创建客户化应用程序模块cux.oracle.apps.ap.oie.entry.server.CuxPVOAM 2、创建视图对象cux.oracle.apps.ap.oie.entry.server.CuxPVO,视图对象中只有一个临时属性ReadOnlyFlag,类型为Boolean(此步可...
FullName =FirstName+LastName EO是直接存入数据库的,EOImpl中存在表字段的set,get方法,因此在这里设置,代码如下: public void setFirstName(String value) { if ((value != null) || (!("".equals())) { String oldFirstName = getFirstName(); if (oldFirstName == null) { oldFirstName = ""...
External lov is a common lov that can be used by any page. It is a common component for any page to use it. It can be used by giving the full path of the love in the properties section “External LOV” of the item. LearnOracle Application Framework (OAF) Tutorial ...
RESERVE_FULL,这是应用程序模块默认的保持级别,当前用户在不同的请求之间,根应 用程序模块和数据库连接被保持着(注意,必须按照保持根应用程序模块的规范开发程 序)。 MANAGE_STATE,这是 Oracle 推荐的级别,最能得到最好性能的方式。当前用户在不同 的请求时,前页面的根应用程序模块和数据库连接可能被释放,...
We successfully are able to open the oracle applications but when we try to open a window it downloads the oracle applets every time when we login.Is it an intended functionality in Edge browser?SolutionSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register ...
(-1)); } 在CO.java中的processFormRequest()中处理ParentChoice的数据变化事件: import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageChoiceBean; if (changeList.equals(event)) { OAMessageChoiceBean parentChoiceBean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)webBean.findChildRecursive(ParentChoice); String select...
viewDef.setFullName("CuxPVODef"); viewDef.setViewObjectClass("oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl "); viewDef.addTransientAttrDef("ReadOnlyFlag", "java.lang.Boolean", null, false, AttributeDef.UPDATEABLE); OAViewObject pvo=(OAViewObject)rootAM.createViewObject("CuxViewPVO", ...