“O Captain! My Captain!” Summary Oh Captain, my Captain! Our hard journey is over. The ship has survived every storm, and we’ve won the prize we've been fighting for. The port is close by and I hear bells ringing and people celebrating. All their eyes are on the steady ship, ...
Summary The poem is an elegy to the speaker's recently deceasedCaptain, at once celebrating the safe and successful return of their ship and mourning the loss of its great leader. In the first stanza, the speaker expresses his relief that the ship has reached its home port at last and des...
O-Captain!-My-Captain!英文简介和赏析 Astudyonrhetoricaldevicesofthepoem———OCaptain!MyCaptain!bygroup1:MakePresentationmuchmorefun 1 Contents 1Introduction2Analysisofthepoem3Conclusion 2 Introduction WaltWhitman(1819-1892)ØOneofthegreatinnovatorsinAmericanliteratureØHegaveAmericaitsfirst genuineepicpoem...
总的来说,《O Captain! My Captain!》这首诗给我留下了深刻的印象。它不仅表达了诗人对自由和正义的追求,也让我重新审视了自己的生活和价值观。我相信,只有我们勇敢地面对生活中的不公,敢于追求自由和正义,才能真正实现我们的梦想和价值。 在未来的日子里,我将继续关注社会问题,勇于发出自己的声音,为社会的进步...
1请帮忙写一下下面这首诗的主要思想,谢啦,急.O Captain!My Captain!Rise up and hear the bells;Rise up –for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowdingFor you they call,the swaying mass,their eager faces turning;...
诗歌中,“O Captain!”是朋友或下属呼唤船长的方式,“My Captain!”是表达个人对船长的归属感和敬意。这种使用隐喻的方式,使得诗歌在描绘船长一生的同时,也蕴含了更深层次的意义。 一、描述船长 首先,诗歌通过形象描绘,向我们展示了船长的外貌和为人。 “O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done…” ...
Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. ―Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Summary and Meaning In the first stanza, the poet describes the cheer, ecstasy, and celebration, because they’ve reached ashore. However, their celebration is halfhearted, as their captain is cold and lifeless....
This article examines the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman. It includes a literal summary and commentary on the figurative meaning.
即将走出教室时,电影中出现上图感人的一幕,学生们不顾校长的严厉呵斥,一个个起身站上课桌,面向Keating,说出了:“o captain, my captain!” 他们试图冲破陈规束缚找寻自我的热情,对老师表达最崇高的敬意,呼应了电影开始,Keating老师踩在课桌上教育他们的话一样:当你认为你知道某件事时,必须再以不同角度看它,即使...