Although the fearful trip ends, bells ring, the captain is no more to enjoy the victory. This poem is written in the form of anelegymeaning a funeral song. Whitman used very strong figurative language throughout the poem to express his respect and to mourn the loss of Abraham Lincoln. ...
O-Captain!-My-Captain!英文简介和赏析 Astudyonrhetoricaldevicesofthepoem———OCaptain!MyCaptain!bygroup1:MakePresentationmuchmorefun 1 Contents 1Introduction2Analysisofthepoem3Conclusion 2 Introduction WaltWhitman(1819-1892)ØOneofthegreatinnovatorsinAmericanliteratureØHegaveAmericaitsfirst genuineepicpoem...
My Captain!'' Meaning ''O Captain! My Captain!'' is an elegy, a poem that mourns the dead or takes up a similarly serious theme. The poem can also be described as a dirge, a song for the dead. The poem discusses the death of a ship's ''Captain.'' The poetic speaker is ...
"O Captain!My Captain!"is an extended metaphor poem written in 1865 by Walt Whitman about the death of American president Abraham Lincoln.The poem is popular among American people.Many symbolisms can be seen that is to express Whitman’s deep sorrow for the death of Abraham Lincoln.吕春佳...
O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman - 1 O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; T
O-Captain!-My-Captain!英文简介和赏析.ppt,Make Presentation much more funA study on rhetorical devices of the poem ———O Captain! My Captain! by group1: ContentsIntroductionAnalysis of the poemConclusion Introduction Walt Whitman(1819-1892)One of the
who memorialized the greatest president in United States History with “O Captain! My Captain!” (For more information on this poem and Whitman’s relationship with Lincoln, check out the History Now website, linked above. For an analysis and a discussion on the meaning of the poem, keep re...
Fallencoldanddead.OCaptain!MyCaptain!第七页第八页,共18页。MakePresentationmuchmorefunAnalysisofthepoem ———Studyonthe rhetoricaldevicesofthepoem第八页第九页,共18页。Rhetoricaldevices修辞手法Repetition重复Metaphor暗喻TheauthoreulogizedandcommemoratedLincointhroughtheserhetoricaldevices.第九页第十页,共18页。
1.3Symbolic meaning of“captain” This poem is considered as anelegy for American’s great president,because it waspublishedat a specific time,when everyone knew exactly what had happen to Lincoln. The description of captain is solemn. The great captain“lies on the deck”,“cold and dead”,...
1.3 Symbolic meaning of “captain” This poem is considered as an elegy for Am 8、ericans great president, because it was published at a specific time, when everyone knew exactly what had happen to Lincoln.The description of captain is solemn. The great captain “lies on the deck”, “...