“O Captain! My Captain!” a renowned poem written by Walt Whitman, was one of the 18 poems written with the background of the Civil War in America. The poem comprises sentiments of the speaker at the demise of his captain. The speaker admires his captain for the victory they have won...
O-Captain!-My-Captain!英文简介和赏析 Astudyonrhetoricaldevicesofthepoem———OCaptain!MyCaptain!bygroup1:MakePresentationmuchmorefun 1 Contents 1Introduction2Analysisofthepoem3Conclusion 2 Introduction WaltWhitman(1819-1892)ØOneofthegreatinnovatorsinAmericanliteratureØHegaveAmericaitsfirst genuineepicpoem...
•Incelebratingthecountrybigmomentoftriumph,thedemocracywiththeslaveownersinthesouthschoolnurseaninveteratehatredforspyassassinationofPresidentLincoln.WhenPresidentLincolndied,Whitmanwrote,"Oh,Captain,mycaptain"ofthepoem,toexpresstogrieveoverandyearningtoLincoln Theanalysisofthepoem•1)PoetshavecomparedtotheUnited...
Analysis Whitman wrote this poem shortly after President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. It is an extended metaphor intended to memorialize Lincoln's life and work. The Captain represents the assassinated president; the ship represents the war-weathered nation following the Civil War; the "prize won...
Fallencoldanddead.OCaptain!MyCaptain!第七页第八页,共18页。MakePresentationmuchmorefunAnalysisofthepoem ———Studyonthe rhetoricaldevicesofthepoem第八页第九页,共18页。Rhetoricaldevices修辞手法Repetition重复Metaphor暗喻TheauthoreulogizedandcommemoratedLincointhroughtheserhetoricaldevices.第九页第十页,共18页。
Chili Mao Teacher Kyla Raetz English Writing 0806 June 8, 2011 Analysis of Walt Whitman’s “O Captain! My Captain!” A good poem is not merely composed for poetry’s sake. Instead, it should be a mirror of a time. A good poem never fails to be all-inclusive, and a good poet ...
O-Captain!-My-Captain!英文简介和赏析.ppt,Make Presentation much more funA study on rhetorical devices of the poem ———O Captain! My Captain! by group1: ContentsIntroductionAnalysis of the poemConclusion Introduction Walt Whitman(1819-1892)One of the
Ultimately, the poem seems to argue that collectivity is necessary for the survival of the United States, but it also acknowledges that individual people play crucial roles within this collective effort. Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis of “O Captain! My Captain!” Lines 1-4 The opening ...
OCaptainMyCaptain英文简介和赏析 系统标签: captain赏析poemrhetoricalwhitmandeck MakePresentationmuchmorefun Astudyonrhetoricaldevicesofthepoemrhetoricaldevicesofthepoem ———OCaptain!MyCaptain! bygroup1: 1Introduction 2Analysisofthepoem 3Conclusion WaltWhitman(1819WaltWhitman(1819--1892)1892) Oneofthegreat...
O Captain My Captain英文简介和赏析 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 文档仅供参考,如有不当之处,请联系本人改正。 Contents 1 Introduction 2Analysis of the poem 3Conclusion 文档格式:PPT | 页数:17 | 浏览次数:288 | 上传日期:2020-03-10 21:37:36 | 文档星级: 文档...