Kea’s World Class New Zealanders are Kiwi who lead and shape industries around the globe, helping build New Zealand’s reputation on the world stage. They are passionate advocates for Aotearoa and regularly give back to their communities. Through their actions, our World Class New Zealanders lig...
Renowned around the world for its exciting adventure activities, Queenstown is set in a very scenic spot on the shores of Lake Wakatipu with majestic mountains rising all around it. Long a popular resort town, it has everything you could ever want from a holiday destination and is one of th...
The final section ‘Rongoa – Maori traditional medicine’ showcases Belinda’s love of native plants and her horticultural background without reference to indigenous magic and mystery. There is no mention of Tane, Papatuanuku or any of the gods of Aotearoa who are evoked by rongoa practitioner...
Toi Māori on the Map - In 2006 the two-year long Pasifika Styles exhibition launched at Cambridge University’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The show was ground-breaking for confronting the contentious origins of the museum's Pacific arte
a road-map of the heart whose one-way system you have to follow down Ego Street to Guilt Mews, and the various alleys off Vanity Row. Harry Ricketts fromYour Secret Life, HeadworX, 2005 More ancient than any of us Birds swoop over the whenua. Reminders of you alight upon puku and man...
The show was ground-breaking for confronting the contentious origins of the museum's Pacific artefacts, by inviting 15 contemporary Māori and Pacific artists over to show works and 'revitalise the taonga' already on display. Shown on Māori Television, this documentary follows two of the artists,...
The self-guided tour is easy to follow as the sites are labelled and numbered (small red sign next to the name) to correspond with the self-guided map. Overlooking Inferno Crater Inferno Crater Bird’s Nest Crater Devil’s Bath Another of the surreal views, the Devil’s Bath colours are...
Part of White Island’sattraction—to both visitors and scientists—is its changeable nature. External influences such as wind and rainfall, coupled with the volcano’s own restless internal workings, produce a pageant of colour and texture. Map-makers are hard pressed to keep up with the changi...
Marriott, L., & Sim, D. (2015). Indicators of inequality for Maori and Pacific people. Journal of New Zealand Studies, (20), 24. McConville, A., McCreanor, T., Wetherell, M., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2017). Imagining an emotional nation: the print media and Anzac Day commemoration...
or vanilla plant, laying next to a bag of shells (building material) + sure enough, it's there, exactly as he described. I had to map out the rat's nest of hoses in his sprinkler system, hoses going into 4-way connectors looping back into eachother + crossing in complicated loops ...