New Zealand has three official languages - Maori, English and New Zealand Sign Language. Maori gained this status with the passing of the Maori Language Act in 1987. Most government departments and agencies have bilingual names, for example, the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua, a...
If you are recognised as a permanent resident, there is also the option to enrol in a year-long language learning course for free!You might hear a few variations in pronunciation of Lake Taupō (it's 'toe-paw') © sljones / Getty Images Understanding Māori place names On the ground ...
You will hear it during your trip to New Zealand, you will see it everywhere in public places and on street names: te reo, the Māori language. While it has always been used in ceremonial life – the language is preserved in the wharenui –it has enjoyed a real revival throughout New...