NZ Herald Probe Shows SportdrugsonincreaseByline: Steve Deane of the New Zealand Herald
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Emily Dobson,The Lonely NudeVictoria University Press, 2014 Emily Dobson’s debut collection,A Box of Bees, gathered much critical praise and was named as one ofThe New Zealand Herald’s Books of the Year in 2005. That same year she took up the Glen Schaeffer Fellowship in Iowa. Emily’s...
Mostly about copy editing, sport and newspaper design. Wednesday, February 09, 2005. I'm seeing more stuff on the internet citing Wikipedia. As a source. Let's be pretty clear that it is not an authorative one. Posted by Paul at 11:06 AM. 1966 Encyclopaedia of New Zealand. This three...
from the Black Sea, a milky blessing heralding the summer calm, I am told it’s serene. breathe out I did not find out I was colour blind until they tested our class at the library in Form 2, it explained so much, why I always coloured grass in brown and tree bark green, why...
In 1896 a New Zealand Herald reporter travelled with the Northern Steamship Company to Great Barrier Island, a journey commemorating the 145 lives that had been lost two years earlier when the steamship S.S. Wairarapa struck rocks at the northern end of the island. Accompanying him was a pigeo...
Richard Langstonis a poet, television director, and writer.Five O’Clock Shadowsis his sixth book of poems. His previous books areThings Lay in Pieces(2012),The Trouble Lamp(2009),The Newspaper Poems(2007),Henry, Come See the Blue(2005), andBoy(2003). He also writes about NZ music and...
It’s like living in a world of endless therapists. The inspirational bag of the woman on the bus said a bunch of stuff like ‘live in the moment’ and ‘remember to breathe,’ but it also said ‘children are the orgasm of the world.’ Are children the orgasm of the world like orga...
almost become an endangered species (which is partly why I started Poetry Shelf). Some newspapers such as The ODT and the Nelson Mail show a strong commitment to poetry and I still manage to get two or three published in The Herald. Landfall-on-line is another source, as is the NZ ...