A little Japanese boy wounded during fighting on the island [Okinawa] is given expert medical attentionNew Zealand Herald
There have been visible improvements, like our unprecedented disinfecting program, but not all the changes are so obvious. Some New Yorkers may not realize that the MTA opened a record 12 new accessible stations in the last 17 months. To put that in perspective, only 11 accessibility project...
There was no money in it, obviously, so from 2006 to 2011, the site was built, coded and moderated entirely by volunteers. The events and groups were also moderated entirely by volunteers. Volunteers from every continent donated tens of thousands of hours of work to keep the site operational...
See Zazzle stores in the USA, Canada, Australia & NZ. There's a Zazzle UK, but beware postage costs. I plan to give earnings to charities Oxfam & Shelter.I've written two books based on the site, published by Bantam Press. The first was an essential handbook for train travel from the...
Another popular assumption is that electricity can be substituted for liquid fuels. For example, in theory, every piece of farm equipment could be redesigned and rebuilt to be based on electricity, rather than diesel, which is typically used today. The catch is that there would ...
NZ Today: #347 | Why a NZ education is dreadful Elon Musk and Child - Topical Toon - Clay Bennett The Blue Rose: #1 - There is a Light That Never Goes Out - NZ Crime Drama - Antonia Prebble My First Planet: S01E01 - The Landing Has Landed Saturday Night at the Movies - Kenneth...
The value of bitcoin peaked at USD 69,000 in November 2021 before falling to USD 17,000 by mid-June 2022. Since then, the value has fluctuated around USD 20,000. For bitcoin proponents, the seeming stabilization signals a breather on the way to new heights. More likely, however, it is...
BLOCKED ACCESS TO HOLYHEAD BREAKWATER COULD RISK LIVES, WARNS VOLUNTEER COASTGUARD GRAHAM WALKER: Re emergency vehicle access, there are many places in the uk which have restricted vehicle access but onto which the public have access. TWEETS OF THE DAY "They said we can't do anything because...
*But there’sgoodnews today, too! Reader Brian sent mea link to a BBC articlethat reports a swell advance in genetics that will prevent the deaths of millions of baby roosters: animals usually ground up alive when young because what the industry wants ischickens. ...
most common example is “A Flat Whiteisa Caffe Latte.” It’s a common attempt at a simple definition of a flat white – but only from people who make Lattes in a certain way (with textured micro-foam). In most cafes, there is a significantdifference between a latte and a flat white...