新西兰雇佣关系局,英文名称是The Employment Relations Authority,简称ERA。它是一个独立的机构,依据新西兰雇佣关系法2000(Employment Relations Act 2000)而设定,专门解决新西兰境内劳动市场上无法通过调解方式解决的劳动纠纷、并进行仲裁。 ERA的官方网站为:http://www.era.govt.nz ERA的工作流程 如果劳资双方,产生了无...
新西兰雇佣关系局,英文名称是The Employment Relations Authority,简称ERA。它是一个独立的机构,依据新西兰雇佣关系法2000(Employment Relations Act 2000)而设定,专门解决新西兰境内劳动市场上无法通过调解方式解决的劳动纠纷、并进行仲裁。 ERA的官方网站为:http://www.era.govt.nz ERA的工作流程 如果劳资双方,产生了无...
01 May 2024 In 2022*, New Zealand’s Employment Relations Authority received over 4,300 new cases filed. Employment litigation rates continue to rise in New Zealand, with changes to key laws imposing numerous obligations on employers making it difficult to navigate the complex legal ...
From visa requirements and application procedures to tips on finding employment and settling in the country, nzimmigration.info covers all aspects of immigration. With up-to-date information and helpful guides, this website is a go-to resource for anyone looking to make New Zealand their new ...
As the owner of the NZ Diploma in Business qualification, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is responsible for the revision and publication of the graduate profile: NZ Diploma in Business Graduate Profile A graduate of the New Zealand Diploma in Business will: 1. in a range of ...
Attending a hearing--a delegate's perspective: part of the role of an NZNO delegate can be appearing as a witness at a range of hearings. Here one delegate shares her experience of giving evidence at an Employment Relations Authority hearing and what that involvement meant.(VIEWPOINT)...
The People's Republic of China fulfills its responsibilities as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council; it is committed to safeguarding international peace and security and upholding the authority and stature of the United Nations Security...
并购交易需要多个不同监管机构的批准,包括公平竞争委员会(Fair Competition Commission, “FCC”)、坦桑尼亚税务局(Tanzania Revenue Authority, “TRA”)、商业登记及许可机构(BRELA)以及特定行业监管机构。 公平竞争委员会(FCC)是根据2003年第8号《公平...
We are powerless, authority still lies with trustees – FRU Chairman The Fiji Rakavi Football Union is currently powerless as all the authority still lies with the Fiji Rugby Football Union Board Trustees. F...Stay tuned for the latest news on our radio stationsLoading...
3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. ...