新西兰雇佣关系局,英文名称是The Employment Relations Authority,简称ERA。它是一个独立的机构,依据新西兰雇佣关系法2000(Employment Relations Act 2000)而设定,专门解决新西兰境内劳动市场上无法通过调解方式解决的劳动纠纷、并进行仲裁。 ERA的官方网站为:http://www.era.govt.nz ERA的工作流程 如果劳资双方,产生了无...
新西兰雇佣关系局,英文名称是The Employment Relations Authority,简称ERA。它是一个独立的机构,依据新西兰雇佣关系法2000(Employment Relations Act 2000)而设定,专门解决新西兰境内劳动市场上无法通过调解方式解决的劳动纠纷、并进行仲裁。 ERA的官方网站为:http://www.era.govt.nz ERA的工作流程 如果劳资双方,产生了无...
The labour rights in the state of New Zealand are governed by the Employment Relations Act 2000. There has been rise of minimum wage of the workers to $16.50 per hour. The introduction of Fair Pay Agreements would ensure basic, fair employment condition across all the industries. New Zealand...
EMPLOYMENTGet a quote LexisNexis offers an extensive coverage of employment law across our publications. The flagship title Mazengarb’s Employment Law includes extensive section by section commentary to the Employment Relations Act, Employment Court Regulations, Health and Safety at Work Act, and more....
viii. 雇佣和培训坦桑尼亚公民,并按照《雇佣与劳动关系法》(Employment and Labour Relations Acts)的规定实施外籍员工的接替计划。 d) 初级采矿许可证 (Primary Mining Licence, “PML”) 初级采矿许可证授予持有人在矿区内进行探矿和采矿作业的专有权...
(Ministry of Social Development), we have successfully trained and employed more than1000 new support workers,some who (sic) may not have considered the home and community sector a viable employment option. We’ve also set up programmes that enable people who are helping care for family and ...
The friendship between China and Africa transcends time and space, surmounts mountains and oceans, and passes down through generations. The founding of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000 was a milestone in ...
杜兰大学2024年秋季录取的一年级学生代表了杜兰大学历史上最多元化和学术资格的学生。今年有43,891名学生申请杜兰大学,其中11%被录取。平均ACT得分为32。该数据还代表了多样性的增长:三分之一由来自20个国家的有色人种学生和国际学生组成 The Undergraduate Colle...
We need to act with a sense of responsibility and unity, take proactive measures, and work together to pursue harmony between humanity and nature. 坚持可持续发展。气候变化是人类不可持续发展模式的产物,只有在可持续发展的框架...
Employment, in particular, has remained solid, with over 11 million new urban jobs created in the first three quarters of this year. This has helped to keep surveyed urban unemployment rate at a relatively low level of around 5%...