提供包含舞蹈,话剧,编剧,电影导演,游戏设计,摄影与影像,以及音乐录制等艺术领域最顶级的培训。 https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/departments/music-and-performing-arts-professions/summer-programs 招生年龄:15 – 18 岁,即将进入高二 (10 年级)、高...
Summer tech camps and academies held at Washington Square. Co-ed & all-girls programs for kids and teens ages 7-18. Learn Coding, Game Design, Minecraft, …
The NYU-MasterScholar Summer Research Program, offered jointly by New York University and KSE Global Education, presents an exceptional three-week immersive research experience for high school students.
NYU Tisch School of the Arts是全美最佳艺术学院之一,也是全球闻名的纽约大学电影制作研究所,NYU Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions Summer Program纽约大学音乐与表演艺术暑期项目,该暑假项目将帮助参与者发展智能及探索个人艺术领域可能性,你将在纽约参与细致而又专业的课程,包括新兴媒体、表演和电影艺...
总结下来,就是只要你已有或者即将拥有大学本科学历,都可以申请。至于在读高中生,NYU有专门开设给高中生的暑期项目(Summer Programs for High School Students),时间长度从一周到六周不等,需要单独申请。 >>申请材料 虽然只是暑期项目,但NYU对申请者的硬性材料并没有放宽,所有外国申请者都必须提交以下材料: ...
迎新日期:7月26日;项目日期:7月29日 - 8月9日 申请对象 - 9-12年级的高中生(项目开始前满14...
都可以申请。至于在读高中生,NYU有专门开设给高中生的暑期项目( Summer Programs for High School ...
https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/departments/music-and-performing-arts-professions/summer-programs 申请截止日期:2024 年 3 月 1 日 今年夏校项目日期:2024 年 7 月 7 日至 8 月 3 日 招生年龄:15 – 18 岁,即将进入高二 (10 年级)、高三 (11 年级) 或高四 (12 年级) 的高中学生。
Residential Life and Housing Services isresponsible for the overall administration and operation of NYU’s 22 residencehalls and two graduate living communities, home to approximately 12,000undergraduate and graduate students during the academic year...
Earn graduate credit through select summer courses. Take an international approach to storytelling at one of our study abroad locations. Start your artistic career through one of our high school programs. Below are the current open applications. Please visit our website to find the right ...