至于在读高中生,NYU有专门开设给高中生的暑期项目(Summer Programs for High School Students),时间长度从一周到六周不等,需要单独申请。 >>申请材料 虽然只是暑期项目,但NYU对申请者的硬性材料并没有放宽,所有外国申请者都必须提交以下材料: – 大学本科成绩单(要求GPA在3.0及以上) – 语言考试成绩单(除非能够...
NYU有专门开设给高中生的暑期项目( Summer Programs for High School Students),时间长度从一周到六周不...
The NYU-MasterScholar Summer Research Program, offered jointly by New York University and KSE Global Education, presents an exceptional three-week immersive research experience for high school students.
3. Precollege要求参加的学生都要年满16岁, 虽然我也见到了rising sophomore(本地生)参加的. 4. 参加Precollege的international students需要选满6个学分(两门课), 因为要申请F1学生签证. 5. Precollege官网: https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/high-school-programs/precollege.html 申请流程 1.Precollege一般是在1,...
最后,我在大三暑假补了一个JHU的summer school,成功拿到两门A,并且拿到了教授的推荐信。这些课余活动...
Each session blends hands-on learning with campus exploration and traditions for a one-of-a-kind recipe for summer magic. iD Tech Camps students at NYU have the opportunity for unique experiences like: Meals in Weinstein Dining Hall Tours of campus landmarks like the Washington Square Arch ...
The Stern & Tisch Entertainment Business Association is New York University's premier cross-school club for students interested in film, television, music, sports, and other media industries. Instagram: @nyusteba Sign up for our newsletter here What we do Founded in 1997, the Stern & Tisch...
The NYU Tandon Bridge program starts every winter (January), spring (April), and summer (July). Bridge students who wish to apply for a masters degree must submit an M.S. application. For more information please see our Applying to a Master’s Degree from Bridge webpage. How to Apply ...
New York University’s mission is to be atop quality international center of scholarship, teaching and research. Thisinvolves retaining and attracting outstanding faculty who are leaders in theirfields, encouraging them to create programs that dra...
In short, NYU's Early Decision II option is a way for students to tell the university that NYU is their first choice and they will definitely attend NYU if accepted. While the deadline is the same as regular admission, students who apply under Early Decision II can clearly demonstrate their...