Our directory of the most affordable online MBA programs can help you find the school that best fits your budget. You can work towards your career goals on your own time by selecting from our list of the best part time MBA programs. To help you pick the program that’s the best fit fo...
10月28日星期五,纽约大学的招生官将做客ChaseDream线上聊天室,跟大家聊聊NYU Stern,聊聊身在纽约的各种机会与可能,当然也聊聊如何进入这所华尔街上的顶尖商学院。欢迎小伙伴们带上你们的问题,或是带上你的热情,来参加ChaseDream线上座谈会:NYU (Stern) MBA Online Workshop- NYU MBA & Job Opportunity in New Yo...
地址:New York University, 70 Washington Square South New York, NY, 10012, USA 邮箱:gradadmissions@nyu.edu 电话:1 212.992.4723 在线申请:http://www.nyu.edu/admissions/graduate-admissions.html 语言中心招办联系方式: 地址:Academic English Program, NYU School of Professional Studies, 70 Washington Sq...
另一半的学分可以在颇负盛名的Stern上,而且选课优先级仅次于Stern MBA学生。
包括项目时长、课程设置(concentration)、毕业去向、class profile等;一张sheet记录每个program的申请要求...
Full-time MBA Program http://www.stern.nyu.edu/programs-admissions/full-time-mba Part-time MBA Programs Options to pursue – Accelerated Two-Year, Flexible Weeknight, Online/Modular, and Saturdays. https://www.stern.nyu.edu/programs-admissions/mba-programs/part-time-mba-manhattan/academics Tech...
Video interview with the program director Request info / Application See filters CountrySchool / ProgramInformations Canada 1. M.Sc. en Commerce electronique HEC Montréal U.S.A. 2. Full Time MBA - Digital Marketing New York University (NYU) ...
NYU part-time MBA essay question #1 (Professional aspirations) (350 word maximum) What are your short- and long-term career goals? How will the part-time MBA help you achieve them? If you do not live in the NYC metro area, tell us your plans to pursue the program. If you are planni...
55. Part-Time MBA University of Maryland Germany 56. Part-Time MBA WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management U.S.A. 57. MBA Program Saint Joseph's University U.S.A. 58. Online MBA Washington State University Romania 59. INDE MBA Bucharest Business School Pakistan 60...
MOT 课程不是将一些技术管理课程嫁接到传统的 MBA 课程上,而是提供创新的综合课程,重点培养希望将自己的职业生涯集中在建立、管理或领导技术驱动型组织的专业人士。该系提供两种形式的 MOT 课程:全日制/兼职校内 MOT 和纯在线 MOT(纽约大学 Tandon Online)。课程主要在晚上提供,以适应白天全职工作的学生。