social multiplayer game 这门课我个人非常非常喜欢,但是身边也有人不喜欢的,因为这门课基本不教理论的知识,上课的要求就是让我们写三个online social multiplayer games,并且只有你的游戏能够正常运行后才能得到A-或是A的成绩,给分非常严格。此外,这门课的workload很大,每周要写的东西很多,甚至有人上到一半而因为压...
We at GraduateTutor.com provide tutoring for almost all the quantitative courses encountered in NYU-Stern business programs including the different MBA programs. This include the variouscorporate finance and valuation programs of Prof. Aswath Damodharan. Business School & MBA Tutoring The Stern School ...
Stern students have a huge variety of electives to choose from, as the school offers more than 200 elective courses over a two-year period. In addition, students may apply up to five courses at other NYU graduate schools to their MBA degree. The school also provides many opportunities for ...
其他设置在MBAA项目下的MIS专业,例如麻省理工学院(MIT)等,则要求有几年outstanding的工作经验。 4、选校 当我在进行选校时,我一度陷入了深深的自我怀疑中。我曾一度认为只要选定了专业方向,考出了标准化考试,就可以“从容不迫举止优雅”地开始走流程申请。 而事实上,MIS申请的竞争压力毫不亚于金融、计算机等热门...
Courses for Non-Majors其他研究所課程 NYU 互動電子媒體 ITP課程介紹 在這裡面最知名的課程應該就是Interactive Telecommunications Program互動電子媒體課程(ITP)有獨立網頁,他是提供MPS學位,而且課程多數都是要寫程式,所以比較適合理工人(跟碼農)。如果只是對UI或UX有興趣,或只是單純對電子藝術有興趣,那…(快去學寫...
Follow a Masters/MS/MBA in Real Estate/Wealth Management Students need to be fully integrated in finance and economics courses in order to begin specializing in wealth management. Afterwards, students can begin different specialties that can involve law, financial marke...
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Capstone Courses 顶点课程(3分) 1.Core Business Skills 核心商务课 技术管理和创新技术一直都是十分行之有效的,通过将技术提升机遇纳入战略思维中来补充公司采用的总体战略。在这些课程中,学生将了解到如何研究公司的内部和外部环境,以确定企业的优劣势,机遇和存在的...
Meng Zhang is a Lecturer in the EAP program at NYU Shanghai. Prior to this appointment, she has taught and assisted in teaching graduate-level TESOL program courses at The Ohio State University. She also has experience in teaching English speaking and writing to a ride range of multilingual ...