今天,我们来了解一下纽约大学的Tisch Summer High School Program! 这是一项为期四周的游戏夏校项目,涵盖了现代游戏开发所需的各种技能与学科:游戏设计、编程、视觉艺术、动画、音效设计及文案撰写。 纽约大学游戏中心致力于探索游戏作为一种文化形式以及游戏设计作为一种创意实践。这一独特的住宿制课程邀请了一批精选学生...
Start your artistic career through one of our high school programs. Below are the current open applications. Please visit our website to find the right program for you.Apply Now Select from the following categories Available Programs All Categories 2025 Tisch Online High School (Summer) Deadlin...
官方网站: https://precollege.sps.columbia.edu/highschool/summer-immersion-new-york-city/courses/3-week 如果打算申请美国名校本科学习的同学,一定要把握住夏校机会! 识别二维码添加果酱客服关注果酱留学分享文章到朋友圈即可咨询果酱客服免费...
https://www.sps.nyu.edu/high-school-academy.html NYU SPS纽约大学专业研究学院(New York University School of Professional Studies)成立于1934年,是纽约大学学院之一。学院坐落于世界都市纽约曼哈顿的中心,纽约大学华盛顿广场主校区。学...
官方网站:https://www.babson.edu/high-school-programs/ 纽约大学 纽大Stern商学院夏校是纽约大学预科项目下的夏校项目之一,为来自世界各地即将升为11-12年级的高中生提供商科基本概念的课程。课程为期六周,学生们将在纽约大学世界知名的教授的带领下,学习包括会计、金融、经济、市场营销和心理学等课程。
首先这里是 Tisch Summer School 的页面:http://tisch.nyu.edu/special-programs/high-school-programs/game-design 划重点: 1. 这是 NYU Tisch 艺术学院的 High School Summer Program,也就是说,针对高一和高二年级的在读学生。超龄人士可以退散了。 2. 2016 年起,时间为每年暑期,7 - 8 月。 3. 只...
For students who enroll in the program with full-time status, the MS program is designed to be a 2-year program. Your course selection options are likely to be more limited if you elect to finish the program in a shorter period of time. ...
Format: Day program Skill Level: Beginner - Advanced Price: Starting at $3,899 (payment plan available) The moment your teen steps into our state-of-the-art labs, they’ll be immersed in startup vibes, intensive curriculum, peer-to-peer learning, and instruction from relatable Gen Z expert...
The NYU-MasterScholar Summer Research Program, offered jointly by New York University and KSE Global Education, presents an exceptional three-week immersive research experience for high school students.
A2:来了之后发现NYU并不是party school,可以选择去或不去party,没有人会逼迫。这里很自由,没有人...