Oooh, this soup. It comes fromEast by Meera Sodha. One of the best cookbooks I own. Every recipe I've tried has been delicious and complex, but also easy and fun and interesting. If you follow me elsewhere, you may be sick of hearing me wax on about it.I'msort of sick of me go...
As I type, I have a plastic bag filled with strawberries sitting on the chair next to me. These aren’t the best strawberries, yet, but they smell delicious and between Hugo and me, I anticipate them lasting until, oh, tomorrow morning at best. (Bruno, so far, refuses to eat any be...
I’d be in Japan because Japanese food is the best—well, tied with Taiwanese—I’m Taiwanese. The location would be an epic ryokan [traditional Japanese inn with room service]—that way after eating I’d just roll myself to my room afterwards—or better, into bed. The restaurant would ...