Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York BECOME A MASON Take a Tour Masons by choice.Brothers for Life. The Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of New York State brings men of integrity together in brotherhood. Our common bond is the shared belief that ev...
"I A. B. of my own free will and accord, in presence of Almighty God and this worshipful lodge of free and accepted masons, dedicated to God, and held forth to the holy order of St. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will always hail, ...
On February 3, 1816, he was Suspended for one year from the Rainbow Lodge of Royal Arch Masons in Middletown, Vt., and on March 27, 1817, he was expelled... Stephen Cowdery's first wife, identified only as "Mrs. Cowdry," died at Middletown, Vt., on April 19, 1817, age 22......
#32. Plasterers and stucco masons - Median annual wage: $95,890- Median hourly wage: $46.10- Education required: No formal educational credential- Total employment: 1,000 people (0.11 of every 1,000 jobs in the area)- Required on-the-job training to attain competency: Long-term on-the-...
Note 1: George Washington Harris (1780-1857) was a practicing Master Mason in Batavia, as well serving as a Worshipful Master of a "blue lodge" in Virginia. On Aug. 15, 1826 he was expelled from the Masons. After the disappearance of her husband, this same George W. Harris (who opera...