Welcome to the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida and the Order of Freemasonry. Learn about Freemasonry, Florida Blue Lodges, how to become a Freemason and how to visit a Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Florida supports several philanthropic in
Masonic Grand Lodge Building a Nominee for National RegisterThe Masonic Grand Lodge building in Topeka is among ninenominations and two multiple property...CapitalJournal, The
First Westchester-Putnam Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York
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Masonic homes, educational institutions and cognate charities : report made to the Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. North Dakota, June, 1908.Frank J. Thompson
Master Mason 1901, EA, FC, MM, in Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, NY in 1901. Somewhat active, and very supportive of Freemasonry. Theodore Roosevelt, said in 1902, “One of the things that attracted me so greatly to Masonry . . . was that it really did live up to what we...
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