The effect on the fraternity was immediate. Most, if not all, meetings and activities were cancelled. Grand Lodge even cancelled the annual communication in New York City. This climate is contrary to the basics of our institution. Our fraternity is designed to bring men together, not keep them...
Click HERE for Veteran Parking Sign Order Form The Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York is a unit of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, governed by a Board of Directors, five of whom are nominated by the Grand Master and elected at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication ...
Joppa Lodge was organized during the early summer of 1850. It was constituted under the authority of St. JohnÆs Grand Lodge in the month of June and continued to work under the jurisdiction of that Grand Body until the great Union meeting of 27 Dec 1850, when itG Leeds...
The Grand Lodge of New York requires that a Petitioner provide a copy of a recent Guarding the West Gate background review report attached to the Petition for Initiation and Advancement when submitted to the Masonic Lodge to which the Petitioner is seeking membership. The Petitioner shall review ...
Very nice selection of Images for Masonic organizations (mostly in color), lodge-oriented backgrounds, lodge symbols (mostly in color). Slow loading. Be patient. S & C, Shrine, Tools, Other ...
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.freemasonry- a natural or instinctive fellowship between people of similar interests; "he enjoyed the freemasonry of the Press" companionship,fellowship,society,company- the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends...
York Rite Royal Arch Cryptic Masons AMD / Allied Regalia Blue Lodge Regalia Hand Embroidered Master Mason H.E. Past Master H.E. Grand Lodge Master Mason H.E. Grand Lodge Past Master H.E. Master Mason Machine Embroidery Past Master M.E. Grand Lodge Master Mason M.E. Grand Lodge Past...
Edinburgh Castle's Banquet Hall that the ceremony of the installation of the Duke of York, who later became King George VI, and who was the current Queen Elizabeth's father, was carried out on St. Andrew's Day, November 30, 1936. (the bi-centenary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland......
FromRoosevelt’s obituary in the New York Times, January 1919:Colonel Roosevelt was a member of the local lodge of Masons, and never failed to keep up his interest in it. He had made a habit for many years of visiting Masonic lodges wherever he went, as a member of the Oyster Bay lod...
Today, however, the Grand Lodge F&AM of Utah only requires that a Worshipful Master haveone of the three degree lecturescommitted to memory (not that this should stop us from pursuing memorization of all three). Affiliate Bodies NB:Aspiring Masons and Master Masons from all over the world loo...