NY-ESO-1 基本信息 官方名 CTAG1A 官方全稱 cancer/testis antigen 1A HGNC ID HGNC:24198 別稱 ESO1, LAGE2A 位點類型 gene with protein product 染色體位置 Xq28 HCOP Orthology Predictions for CTAG1AFrom HGNC NY-ESO-1 試劑 All NY-ESO-1 Reagents ...
The NY-ESO1 gene is a cancer/testis antigen considered to be suitable target for the immunotherapy of human malignancies. Despite the identification of the epigenetical silencing of the NY-ESO1 gene in a large variety of tumors, the molecular mechanism involved in this phenomenon is not fully ...
After selected the high affinity TCR gene to NY-ESO-1, the researchers insert genes into the cell that expressing a kind of protein that targeting NY-ESO-1. Then the engineered cells are re-infused in the patients with tumors for curing the tumor patient or prolonging life. 开始日期2022-...
NY-ESO-1 expression did not appear to be strongly associated with distinct gene mutation profiles in GC. There were no significant differences between low and high expression of NY-ESO-1 with regards to well established immuno-oncology markers (dMMR/MSI, TMB, PD-L1). However, high NY-ESO-...
NY-ESO-1 is a tumor-specific antigen of the cancer/testis antigen family and is encoded by a gene located at Xq28. It is composed of 180 amino acids with a molecular weight of 18 kD. NY-ESO-1 is strongly expressed in various types of cancers, but not in normal somatic tissues or ce...
靶点 NY-ESO-1 作用机制 NY-ESO-1调节剂(肿瘤/睾丸抗原-1调节剂) 治疗领域 肿瘤皮肤和肌肉骨骼疾病其他疾病 在研适应症 LAGE-1a阳性实体瘤粘液样脂肪肉瘤NY-ESO-1实体瘤+ [1] 非在研适应症 晚期非小细胞肺癌晚期肺非小细胞鳞癌胃肠道肿瘤+ [7] 原研机构 Adaptimmune Ltd. 在研机构 Adaptimmune Ltd. 非在...
(摘要]NY-ESO-1为CTA家族中的一种,是目前免疫原性最强的肿瘤抗原之一,有望成为用 于肿瘤免疫治疗的新 靶疫苗.本文就其基因与蛋白,表达与机理,抗原肽及免疫治疗等作一综述. (关键词]肿瘤;NY-KS(~I;免疫治疗 (中图分类号]R730.3(文献标识码]A
与GenBank报道一致。结论NY-ESO-l基因在胃癌中呈高表达率,NY-ESO-l抗原可以被具有HLA-l类 分子限制性CTL识别。 【关键词】胃肿瘤;NY-ESO-l基因;基因表达;基因克隆 ExpressionofNY-ESO-lgenedetectedbyRT-PCRinhumangastriccarcinomaanditsgenecloningHUANG ...
因此,本领域技术人员致力于分离出对NY-ESO-1抗原短肽具有特异性的TCR,以及将该TCR转导T细胞来获得对NY-ESO-1抗原短肽具有特异性的T细胞,从而使他们在细胞免疫治疗中发挥作用。 技术实现要素: 本发明的目的在于提供一种识别NY-ESO-1抗原短肽的T细胞受体。 本发明的第一方面,提供了一种T细胞受体(TCR),所述TCR...
In the 9 years since its discovery, cancer‐testis antigen NY‐ESO‐1 has made one of the fastest transitions from molecular, cellular, and immunological description to vaccine and immunotherapy candidate, already tested in various formulations in more than 30 clinical trials worldwide. Its main ch...