针对semantic tokens 的更新,coc.nvim 没有在 vim 端执行 diff,而是从 vim 获取高 亮,然后 nodejs 中计算出需要的更新指令,再发送给 vim,这期间如果发生缓冲区变化需 要进行打断,所以使用了CancellationToken。 nvim_buf_set_text()接口如果连续太多次调用,neovim 可能因为计算高亮变更而卡死 (这里很可能需要优...
semantic_tokens = true nvim-surround nvim_surround = false nvim-tree.lua nvimtree = true nvim-treesitter-context treesitter_context = true nvim-treesitter treesitter = true nvim-ts-rainbow2 ts_rainbow2 = false nvim-ts-rainbow ts_rainbow = false nvim-ufo ufo = true nvim...
针对频繁的高亮操作,Coc.nvim限制了单次调用的次数,避免了大量调用导致的卡顿。在解析关键词和转换Semantic Tokens时,采用延迟处理和使用CancellationToken以避免长时间阻塞进程。对大文件操作,Coc.nvim通过分割计算任务来提高效率。此外,Coc.nvim优化了结果返回策略,只返回部分结果并标记为未完成,以提升...
Anyways, this evening I had some time to set up multiple language servers for nvim-lspconfig. I pretty much splitwhat's already in nvim-lspconfiginto three separate servers (volar_api, volar_doc and volar_html),the same way it's already done in coc-volar. It's worth thinking about a...
Changed semantic token highlight disabled by default, use configuration semanticTokens.filetypes Add configuration semanticTokens.filetypes. Add configuration semanticTokens.highlightPriority. Add configuration semanticTokens.incrementTypes. Add configuration semanticTokens.combinedModifiers. Add command semanticToken...
*coc-config-semanticTokens* "semanticTokens.filetypes"~ Filetypes that should enable semantic tokens highlight feature. Use `["*"]` for all filetypes, default: `[]` Note: semantic tokens highlight requires nvim >= 0.5.0 and vim >= ...
1.8.0 (2023-03-12) Features semantic_tokens: link method and functions with defaultLibrary modifier to @function.builtin (#333) (e051206) Bug Fixes semantic_tokens: dont use @lsp.type.variable. Added builtin variable support (3ebc29d) set proper fg for @variable. Fixes #331 (8da3aab)...
semantic_tokens: highlight lsp.typemod.macro.defaultLibrary as [@function](https://github.com/function).builtin (#358) (dc5b5e2)相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip) 查看:2023-04-19发行的版本微信小程序 MyGit:GitHub仓库更新&通知小工具...
Not echo error for semanticTokens request (log only). Merge results form providers when possible. 2022-08-24 Virtual text of suggest on vim9. Virtual text of diagnostics on vim9. Add configuration inlayHint.filetypes. Inlay hint support on vim9. 2022-08-23 Retry semanticTokens request on...
"[java]": {"semanticTokens.enable":true, } Checkout:h coc-configuration-scope. Buffer not work The jdt.ls requires buffer saved to disk to work, save the buffer by:wcommand and reload it by:ecommand in your vim. Or create the file on disk before buffer create. ...