💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type. - folke/which-key.nvim
I have found a fascinatingly specific situation wherewhich-keyseems to not set up it's trigger for some reason when entering a buffer. I'm not sure what could be causing it. It seems to be the combination of fzf-lua, rustaceanvim, and the manual re-triggering offiletypedetectautocomman...
{ "catppuccin/nvim", enabled = false }, -- {"folke/which-key.nvim",enabled = false}, { "folke/flash.nvim", enabled = false }, --{"folke/neodev.nvim",enabled = false}, { "folke/trouble.nvim", enabled = false }, { "dstein64/vim-startuptime", enabled = false }, { ...
用了LunarVim 作为 IDE。 虽然但是,下载是真的折磨…… 大概熟悉了一下 LunarVim 的键位。<Leader> 是空格,然后按下会有提示,照着打就完了。 添加键位: lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["bk"] = { "<cmd>:BufferKill<CR>", "KillBuffer" } __EOF__ 本文作者: x383494 本文链接: https://...
"folke/which-key.nvim"是短url,lazy.nvim会将它转换成完整的github仓库地址。 加载lazy模块的目的是为了调用.setup方法,传递配置参数。 require("lazy").setup()相当于: localmymodule=require("lazy")mymodule.setup() Lazy.nvim的Key Mappings 在Lazy.nvim中,key属性可以是: ...
vim-which-key: spaceVim 的菜单插件 nerd-commenter: 注释、解注释 vim-spector 代码调试 调整窗口大小快捷键 deol.nvim: vim 终端插件(对比 coc-terminal 决定使用哪个) 图标支持 ranger 配置和插件 tmux 主题和插件 lazygit 尝鲜和 lazygit.vim 集成
productivity. However, mastering the key bindings for different groups can be challenging, especially for beginners. Thanks to Which Key, not only can you set up custom key bindings, but it also provides a dynamic floating dashboard to remind you of your key bindings, so you never forget ...
ChatGPTEditWithInstructionscommand which opens interactive window to edit selected text or whole window using thecode-davinci-edit-001model (GPT 3.5 fine-tuned for coding). You can map it using the Lua API, e.g. usingwhich-key.nvim: ...
LuzyNvim = Luis + lazy + Neovim 效果预览 首屏: 文本效果: 文件浏览器: 搜索: 浮动终端: WhichKey: 清除文件 如果不是第一次使用 nvim 和nvim插件,那么久必须要清除以前用过nvim 所产生的缓存和插件文件 清除缓存和插件文件: rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/ ~/.local/share/nvim/ ~/.local/state/nvim...
keyPlug'folke/which-key.nvim'callplug#end()"---" Theme"---" syntax enable" colorscheme monokailua<<EOF -- Lua: -- For dark theme (neovim's default) vim.o.background = 'dark' -- For light theme -- vim.o.background = 'light...