pos_index = (pos_index + 1) % #pos_map popup_wid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bnr, false, opts) vim.print(string.format("WindowCreate: %s", opts.anchor)) end Pop1() local function next_anchor() vim.api.nvim_win_close(popup_wid, true) Pop1() end vim.keymap.set('n', 'Z1',...
API函数 此版本附带了一个新函数nvim_create_buf,用于创建各种类型的缓冲区,包括nvim_get_context和nvim_load_context。 nvim_input_mouse函数用于执行鼠标操作。用户可以使用nvim_open_win创建浮动窗口。 UI事件 包括redraw.grid_destroy,redraw.hl_group_set,redraw.msg_clear等新UI事件。 Lua 库 NVIM v0.4....
$HOME\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pynvim\plugin\script_host.py文件,把第107行从 with open(file_path) as f:改为 with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as f:以下是在win10 的wsl2中安装Ubuntu, 及nvim后要解决问题: 8.安装perl和cpanm比较麻烦。先安装perl,然后安装cpanmius,...
nvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/terminal.lua require("toggleterm").setup { -- size can be a number or function which is passed the current terminal size = 15, open_mapping = [[<c-\>]], hide_numbers = true, -- hide the number column in toggleterm buffers shade_filetypes = {}...
一. win+terminal+wsl升级wsl2 1. 前往系统设置-应用-程序和功能-启用或关闭Windows功能,勾选上述目标项,确认后重启电脑 2. Microsoft story下载Window…阅读全文 赞同2 7 条评论 分享收藏 vim是否应该放弃使用buffer? ringx 世人慌慌张张,为了碎银几两。偏这碎银几两,能解各种慌张。 …...
Accepts same border values as |nvim_open_win()|. border = "none", -- The backdrop opacity. 0 is fully opaque, 100 is fully transparent. backdrop = 60, title = nil, ---@type string only works when border is not "none" title_pos = "center", ---@type "center" | "left" |...
1. Open your favorite web browser, and visit the NeovimGitHub release page. 2. Next, scroll down to theAssetssection, expand it, and click thenvim-win64.msilink to download the installer. Downloading Nvim MSI 3. Once downloaded, double-click on the installer to launch the setup wizard. ...
Open current directory "nmap te :tabedit "nmap <S-Tab> :tabprev<Return> nmap <S-Tab> :bprev<Return> "nmap <Tab> :tabnext<Return> nmap <Tab> :bnext<Return> " 窗口管理器 " invoke with '-' nmap - <Plug>(choosewin) "nmap sw <Plug>(choosewin) "nmap <leader>w <Plug>(choose...
eventignore:remove({ 'WinScrolled', 'CursorMoved', }) end, }) nvim-tree-lua.rc.lua nvim-tree-lua 是一个文件管理器,他的主要文件操作热键有 a 生成新文件或目录(在文件名后加/) d 删除文件或目录 r 重命名文件或目录 (下面根据个人习惯重新设置成了m) -- map <Space>n to toggle NvimTree...
--Offset of the floating window from the nearest editor borderoffset=0,--options passed to `nvim_open_win()`, see :h nvim_open_win()--Lets you set border, header, footer, etc etc.float_opts={--row, col, height, width, relative, and anchor should not be--overriddenstyle="minimal...