1. Open File Explorer, and navigate to theC:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvimfolder. Replace %USERPROFILE% with your actual username. 2. Next, create a new folder calledplugged. This folder is where vim-plug will download and install plugins. Creating a new folder named plugged 3....
NvimTreeFolderArrowClosed = "NvimTreeIndentMarker", NvimTreeFolderArrowOpen = "NvimTreeIndentMarker", -- Indent NvimTreeIndentMarker = "NvimTreeFileIcon", -- LiveFilter NvimTreeLiveFilterPrefix = "PreProc", NvimTreeLiveFilterValue = "ModeMsg", -- Clipboard NvimTreeCutHL...
nvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/terminal.lua require("toggleterm").setup { -- size can be a number or function which is passed the current terminal size = 15, open_mapping = [[<c-\>]], hide_numbers = true, -- hide the number column in toggleterm buffers shade_filetypes = {}...
will enable expanders expander_collapsed = "", expander_expanded = "", expander_highlight = "NeoTreeExpander", }, icon = { folder_closed = " ", folder_open = " ", folder_empty = "", provider = function(icon, node, state) -- default icon provider utilizes nvim-web-devi...
nvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/terminal.lua require("toggleterm").setup { -- size can be a number or function which is passed the current terminal size = 15, open_mapping = [[<c-\>]], hide_numbers = true, -- hide the number column in toggleterm buffers shade_filetypes = {}...
"workbench.action.openSettings"},// 打开热键映射{"key":"cmd+g k","command":"workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings"},// 打开一个目录{"key":"cmd+g d","command":"workbench.action.files.openFolder"},// 打开一个文件{"key":"cmd+g f","command":"workbench.action.files.openFile"},//...
Open a code file in Nvim. LSP will attach and provide diagnostics. nvim main.py Run:checkhealth lspto see the status or to troubleshoot. Read:help lspconfigfor details. Read:help lspconfig-allfor the full list of server-specific details. For servers not on your$PATH(e.g.,jdtls,elixi...
Read through theinit.luafile in your configuration folder for more information about extending and exploring Neovim. That also includes examples of adding popularly requested plugins. Getting Started The Only Video You Need to Get Started with Neovim ...
Checkout the log of coc.nvim by command:CocOpenLog. When you have issues with the language server, it's recommended tocheckout the output. Feedback If you think Coc is useful, consider giving it a star. If you have a question,ask on gitter ...
I could not copy paste the error message. So I wrote it roughly down here: Expectedtablegotnil I also tried having this line instead: alpha.setup() But the error remained the same. The plugin is installed with: use"goolord/alpha-nvim" ...