,open the file under cursor or selected open in vertical split window open in horizontal split window open in new tabpage select multiple files select all files clear all selections preview the result Ranger KeysModeDescription qNquit QNquit all ...
ttOpen file browser ?show help (in explorer) Make sure you have ranger installed PressRto open Ranger (file selector) And Within rnvimr (ranger), you can: ShortcutAction CtrltOpen the file in a new tab CtrlxSplit up and down with the file ...
let NERDTreeMapOpenInTab = "o" let NERDTreeMapPreview = "" let NERDTreeMapCloseDir = "n" let NERDTreeMapChangeRoot = "y" let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=1 let NERDTreeShowHidden=1 let NERDTreeWinSize=25 " automatically startup NERDTree when open a file using nvim then focus the file instead ...
vim.opt.splitbelow =true-- open new vertical split bottom vim.opt.splitright =true-- open new horizontal splits right vim.opt.termguicolors =true-- enabl 24-bit RGB color in the TUI -- vim.opt.showmode = false -- we are experienced, wo don't need the "-- INSERT --" mode hint...
("1", l.TM_FILENAME), {}), }), -- Set store_selection_keys = "<Tab>" (for example) in your -- luasnip.config.setup() call to access TM_SELECTED_TEXT. In -- this case, select a URL, hit Tab, then expand this snippet. s("link_url", { t(''), i(1), t(""), i...
formatFile "搜索项目文件 nmap fp :CocCommand fzf-preview.ProjectFiles<CR> "显示Buffers文件 nmap fb :CocCommand fzf-preview.Buffers<CR> "显示文件GIT状态 nmap fg :CocCommand fzf-preview.GitStatus<CR> "当前目录文件 map <silent>rc :RangerOpenCurrentDir<CR> "项目目录文件 map <...
-o[N] Open N windows stacked horizontally. If N is omitted, open one window for each file. If N is less than the number of file arguments, allocate windows for the first N files and hide the rest. -O[N] Like -o, but tile windows vertically. -p[N] Like -o, but for tab ...
Add support for custom uri schema for workspace.jumpTo and workspace.openResource Add workspace.findUp for find up file of current buffer. Add env option for custom language server config. Add vim function: CocRequest and CocRequestAsync for send request to language server in vim. Add coc.pre...
Open a file:nvimpath/to/file Enter text editing mode (insert mode):<Esc>i Copy ("yank") or cut ("delete") the current line (paste it withP):<Esc>yy|dd Enter normal mode and undo the last operation:<Esc>u Search for a pattern in the file (pressn/Nto go to next/previous matc...
-- Additionally gathers stats about all package.loaders loader = false, -- Track each new require in the Lazy profiling tab require = false, }, } root:定义了安装的根目录,通常是~\local\share\nvim\lazy\。 defaults:设置默认值,默认不启用(false)懒加载(lazy);cond默认为空(nil),决定插件是否...